A CLI to play with postman collections inspired by password-store
supports converting a postman request to a curl for easier use in the terminal.cmd:
pocc curl
select the request:
Select request from current directory: > TestCollection/New Folder/example.com TestCollection/New Folder/raw_json_body TestCollection/New Folder/raw_javascript_body TestCollection/New Folder/example.com TestCollection/New Folder/form-data TestCollection/New Folder/x-www-form-urlencoded TestCollection/New Folder/raw_text_body [↑↓ to move, enter to select, type to filter]
curl --location --globoff --request POST 'https://example.com' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer 12345678' \ --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \ --data 'hey there'
pocc -c curl
select a request from the interactive UI to copy it's curl to clipbaord.
- insert in a collection from curl
and more, take a look at issues to find out
to install through cargo run:
cargo install pocc
NOTE: below installation methods coming in soon
- brew
- nix
- apt
's fundamental objective is to empower users to seamlessly interact with Postman collections, all within the convenience of their terminal.