Converts speech to text and gives an output with Company names and keywords for BullTrack's App
- Recording auto-stops after 3 seconds of silence.
- The companies.csv and keywords.csv contain alternate pronounciations of every word. The first element in every row is the intended word or name, and all words after that are alternate pronounciations.
- The algorithm generates a hashMap containing every alternate pronounciation as a key and its intended pronounciation as its value.
- The algorithm then compares the Speech To Text output with the keys in the hashMap and saves and displays the Value of any detected keyword.
- If the spoken word is either missing or incorrect, the user can choose their intended word from a dropdown list.
- Instead of using the csv files, you could also use a set of constants located in
. Additional instructions can be found in/components/keywordCompanyFinder/index.js
This project runs on the React Native CLI, which can be installed by following the instructions found here.
Install @react-native-voice/voice, @react-native-picker/picker, and react-native-fs using the command
npm install @react-native-voice/voice @react-native-picker/picker react-native-fs
- From the root directory, run
npm start
- Keeping the first terminal active, open another terminal and run the command
npm run android
From the root of the project, run
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res
Change directory to Android:
cd Android
Then, run
./gradlew assembleDebug
The generated APK can be found at /android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk
- The following line needs to be added to
to handle Audio Recording permissions for Android.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>
- The CSV files should be stored in the folder
. - When adding more keywords and companies to companies.csv and keywords.csv, ensure no spaces before or after commas, and at the end of a line. There is an extra line at the end of each CSV file so that the picker displays an empty value.
The folder /pythonScripts
contains python scripts to:
to turn CSVs into a an array to be used in/components/constants/keywordsAndCompanies.js
to alphabetically sort a CSV file by the elements in its first column, for use in the item picker.