Speed up the analysis of suspicious activities coming from SentinelOne. Using chatGPT API with different models: 3.5, 4 and 4-preview.
The script follows an ETL structure: Extract - Transform and Load.
- Extract -> events are extracted from SentinelOne based on a query (generally advisable to use a Storyline ID)
- Transform -> data extracted from SentinelOne is anonymized. Key names. Data related to endpoints, names or user paths.
- Load -> the data is sent via API to chatGPT for analysis.
The calling instruction to GPT follows the investigation LARGE LANGUAGE MODELS AS OPTIMIZERS
Quote from the document:
- The styles of instructions found by different optimizer LLMs vary a lot: PaLM 2-L-IT and text-bison ones are concise, while GPT ones are long and detailed.
- Although some top instructions contain the “step-by-step” phrase, most others achieve a comparable or better accuracy with different semantic meanings
- GPT3.5 optimize prompt: A little bit of arithmetic and a logical approach will help us quickly arrive at the solution to this problem
- GPT4 optimize prompt: Let’s combine our numerical command and clear thinking to quickly and accurately decipher the answer.
- Easy behaviour to analyse: Suspicious command enumeration from windows terminal:
cmd /k "whoami /priv && ping && netstat -nato && tasklist && systeminfo"
- Hard behaviour to analyse: Using msbuild lolbin to perfom a priviliege escalation:
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe" C:\temp\readme.txt
In that case, is obersevered that the GPT 3.5 model is not enough to proper analyse the behaviour of the msbuild execution. So model 4 is used, giving a better understading of what happens: