This is our attempt to emulate the LC3 Processor in CPP from a simulated transistor circuit upwards.
- Details on registers
- Details on data path
- Further reading on data path
- Resource that helped us develop initial understanding
- LC3 ISA Download Link
To generate tasks, run
Then you can just run the task
If using powershell, run
$ cmake_build_run.ps1
Alternatively, in terminal write:
$ cd "./cmake-build-debug"
$ cmake "../CMakeLists.txt"
$ cmake --build .
$ "./Debug/tests.exe"
If using powershell, run
$ compile_tests.ps1
Else, run
$ g++ ./tests.cpp ./signals.cpp ./gates.cpp ./arithmetics.cpp ./switches.cpp ./alu.cpp ./mux.cpp ./mem.cpp ./stats.cpp ./decoder.cpp ./components.cpp -o ./tests.exe
$ ./tests.exe