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chore(locales): Latvian Translations
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starinjs authored Apr 7, 2024
1 parent 3efe592 commit ca763ab
Showing 1 changed file with 100 additions and 100 deletions.
200 changes: 100 additions & 100 deletions locales/lv.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,174 +1,174 @@
"error": {
"not_online": "Spēlētājs nav online",
"not_online": "Spēlētājs nav tiešsaistē",
"wrong_format": "Nepareizs formāts",
"missing_args": "Ne visi argumenti tika ievadīti (x, y, z)",
"missing_args": "Visi argumenti netika ievadīti (x, y, z)",
"missing_args2": "Visiem argumentiem ir jābut aizpildītiem!",
"no_access": "Nav piekļuve šai commandai",
"company_too_poor": "Jūsu darba vedējs ir nabadzīgs",
"no_access": "Nav piekļuve šai komandai",
"company_too_poor": "Jūsu darba devējs nevar atļauties",
"item_not_exist": "Šī lieta nēeksistē",
"too_heavy": "Inventārs ir pārāk pilns",
"location_not_exist": "Location does not exist",
"duplicate_license": "Duplicate Rockstar License Found",
"no_valid_license": "No Valid Rockstar License Found",
"not_whitelisted": "You're not whitelisted for this server",
"server_already_open": "The server is already open",
"server_already_closed": "The server is already closed",
"no_permission": "You don't have permissions for this..",
"no_waypoint": "No Waypoint Set.",
"tp_error": "Error While Teleporting.",
"connecting_database_timeout": "Connection to database timed out. (Is the SQL server on?)",
"connecting_error": "An error occurred while connecting to the server. (Check your server console)",
"no_match_character_registration": "Anything other than letters aren't allowed, trailing whitespaces aren't allowed either and words must start with a capital letter in input fields. You can however add words with spaces inbetween.",
"already_in_queue": "You are already in queue.",
"no_subqueue": "You were not let in any sub-queue."
"location_not_exist": "Lokācija neeksistē",
"duplicate_license": "Ir atrasts duplikāts no Rockstar Licenzes",
"no_valid_license": "Nav atrasta ejoša Rockstar Licenze",
"not_whitelisted": "Jums nav whitelist priekš ši spēles servera",
"server_already_open": "Serveris ir jau atverts",
"server_already_closed": "Serveris ir jau aizvērts",
"no_permission": "Jums nav pieejas priekš šī..",
"no_waypoint": "Galamērķis nav uzstādīts.",
"tp_error": "Errors mēģinot teleportēties.",
"connecting_database_timeout": "Savienojums ar datubāzi pārtrūka. (Vai SQL serveris ir ieslēgts?)",
"connecting_error": "Errors uzrādijās savienojoties ar spēles serveri. (Parbaudiet servera konsoli)",
"no_match_character_registration": "Nav atļauts nekas cits, izņemot burtus, nav atļautas arī beigu atstarpes un ievades laukos vārdiem jāsākas ar lielo burtu. Tomēr varat pievienot vārdus ar atstarpēm starp tām.",
"already_in_queue": "Jūs jau esat rindā.",
"no_subqueue": "Jūs neielaida apakšrindā."
"success": {
"server_opened": "The server has been opened",
"server_closed": "The server has been closed",
"teleported_waypoint": "Teleported To Waypoint.",
"character_deleted": "Character deleted!",
"character_deleted_citizenid": "You successfully deleted the character with Citizen ID %s."
"server_opened": "Serveris tika atvērts",
"server_closed": "Serveris tika aizvērts",
"teleported_waypoint": "Teleportēts uz galamērķa.",
"character_deleted": "Tēls dzēsts!",
"character_deleted_citizenid": "Jūs izdzēsāt tēlu ar iedzīvotāju ID %s."
"info": {
"received_paycheck": "Jūs esat saņēmuši savu algu par $%s",
"job_info": "Darbs: %s | Pakāpe: %s | Pienākums: %s",
"gang_info": "Banda: %s | Pakāpe: %s",
"on_duty": "Jūs tagad esat dienestā!",
"off_duty": "Jūs tagad esat atbrīvots no dienesta!",
"checking_ban": "Hello %s. We are checking if you are banned.",
"join_server": "Welcome %s to %s.",
"checking_whitelisted": "Hello %s. We are checking your allowance.",
"exploit_banned": "You have been banned for cheating. Check our Discord for more information: %s",
"exploit_dropped": "You Have Been Kicked For Exploitation",
"multichar_title": "Qbox Multichar",
"multichar_new_character": "New Character #%s",
"char_male": "Male",
"char_female": "Female",
"play": "Play",
"play_description": "Play as %s",
"delete_character": "Delete Character",
"delete_character_description": "Delete %s",
"logout_command_help": "Logs you out of your current character",
"check_id": "Check your Server ID",
"deletechar_command_help": "Delete a players character",
"deletechar_command_arg_player_id": "Player ID",
"character_registration_title": "Character Registration",
"first_name": "First Name",
"last_name": "Last Name",
"nationality": "Nationality",
"gender": "Sex",
"birth_date": "Birth Date",
"select_gender": "Select your gender...",
"confirm_delete": "Are you sure you wish to delete this character?",
"in_queue": "🐌 You are %s/%s in queue. (%s) %s"
"checking_ban": "Sveicināts %s. Mēs pārbaudam vai esi banots.",
"join_server": "Sveicināts %s iekšs %s.",
"checking_whitelisted": "Sveiks %s. Mēs pārbaudam jūsu pabalstu.",
"exploit_banned": "Jūs esat banots par cheatošanu, vairāk informācijas discord serverī: %s",
"exploit_dropped": "Jūs tikāt izkikots par eksplotāciju",
"multichar_title": "Qbox vairāki tēli",
"multichar_new_character": "Jauns tēls #%s",
"char_male": "Vīrietis",
"char_female": "Sieviete",
"play": "Spēlēt",
"play_description": "Spēlēt kā %s",
"delete_character": "Dzēst tēlu",
"delete_character_description": "Dzēst %s",
"logout_command_help": "Izraksta tevi no sava tagadējā tēla",
"check_id": "Pārbaudiet sava servera ID",
"deletechar_command_help": "Dzēst spēlētāja tēlu",
"deletechar_command_arg_player_id": "Spēlētāja ID",
"character_registration_title": "Tēla reģistrācija",
"first_name": "Vārds",
"last_name": "Uzvārds",
"nationality": "Pilsonība",
"gender": "Dzimums",
"birth_date": "Piedzimšanas datums",
"select_gender": "Izvēlies savu dzimumu...",
"confirm_delete": "Vai esi pārliecināts ka vēlies dzēst šo tēlu?",
"in_queue": "🐌 Tu esi %s/%s rindā. (%s) %s"
"command": {
"tp": {
"help": "TP To Player or Coords (Admin Only)",
"help": "Teleportēties pie spēlētaja/kordinātēm (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"x": { "name": "id/x", "help": "ID of player or X position"},
"y": { "name": "y", "help": "Y position"},
"z": { "name": "z", "help": "Z position"}
"x": { "name": "id/x", "help": "ID no spēlētāja vai X pozīcija"},
"y": { "name": "y", "help": "Y pozīcija"},
"z": { "name": "z", "help": "Z pozīcija"}
"tpm": { "help": "TP To Marker (Admin Only)" },
"togglepvp": { "help": "Toggle PVP on the server (Admin Only)" },
"tpm": { "help": "Teleportēties pie marķiera (Tikai Administrātors)" },
"togglepvp": { "help": "Ieslēgt PVP spēles serverī (Tikai Administrātors)" },
"addpermission": {
"help": "Give Player Permissions (God Only)",
"help": "Iedot spēlētājam pieejas (Tikai augstākstāvošais)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "ID of player" },
"permission": { "name": "permission", "help": "Permission level" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "ID no spēlētāja" },
"permission": { "name": "permission", "help": "Pieejas līmenis" }
"removepermission": {
"help": "Remove Player Permissions (God Only)",
"help": "Noņemt spēlētājam pieejas (Tikai augstākstāvošais)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "ID of player" },
"permission": { "name": "permission", "help": "Permission level" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "ID no spēlētāja" },
"permission": { "name": "permission", "help": "Pieejas līmenis" }
"openserver": { "help": "Open the server for everyone (Admin Only)" },
"openserver": { "help": "Atvert spēles serveri visiem (Tikai Administrātors)" },
"closeserver": {
"help": "Close the server for people without permissions (Admin Only)",
"help": "Aizvert spēles serveri tikai cilvēkiem bez pieejas (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"reason": { "name": "reason", "help": "Reason for closing (optional)" }
"reason": { "name": "reason", "help": "Iemesls aiztaisīšanai (Pēc izvēles)" }
"car": {
"help": "Spawn Vehicle (Admin Only)",
"help": "Izveidot transportlīdzekli (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"model": { "name": "model", "help": "Model name of the vehicle" },
"keepCurrentVehicle": { "name": "keepCurrentVehicle", "help": "Keep the vehicle you're in right now (leave empty to delete current vehicle)" }
"model": { "name": "model", "help": "Modelis no automašinas" },
"keepCurrentVehicle": { "name": "keepCurrentVehicle", "help": "Atstāt mašīnu kurā šobrīd esi (Atstāt tukšu ja dzēst mašīnu kurā esi)" }
"dv": {
"help": "Delete Vehicle (Admin Only)",
"help": "Dzēst transpotlīdzekli (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"radius": { "name": "radius", "help": "Radius to delete vehicles in (meters)" }
"radius": { "name": "radius", "help": "Radiuss metros kādā dzēst automašinas" }
"givemoney": {
"help": "Give A Player Money (Admin Only)",
"help": "Iedot spēlētājam naudu (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Player ID" },
"moneytype": { "name": "moneytype", "help": "Type of money (cash, bank, crypto)" },
"amount": { "name": "amount", "help": "Amount of money" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Spēlētāja ID" },
"moneytype": { "name": "moneytype", "help": "Naudas tips (cash, bank, crypto)" },
"amount": { "name": "amount", "help": "Naudas daudzums" }
"setmoney": {
"help": "Set Players Money Amount (Admin Only)",
"help": "Uzstādīt spēlētāja naudu (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Player ID" },
"moneytype": { "name": "moneytype", "help": "Type of money (cash, bank, crypto)" },
"amount": { "name": "amount", "help": "Amount of money" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Spēlētāja ID" },
"moneytype": { "name": "moneytype", "help": "Naudas tips (cash, bank, crypto)" },
"amount": { "name": "amount", "help": "Naudas daudzums" }
"job": { "help": "Check Your Job" },
"job": { "help": "Pārbaudīt darbu" },
"setjob": {
"help": "Set A Players Job (Admin Only)",
"help": "Uzstādīt darbu spēlētajam (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Player ID" },
"job": { "name": "job", "help": "Job name" },
"grade": { "name": "grade", "help": "Job grade" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Spēlētāja ID" },
"job": { "name": "job", "help": "Darba nosaukums" },
"grade": { "name": "grade", "help": "Darba pakāpe" }
"changejob": {
"help": "Change Active Job of Player (Admin Only)",
"help": "Mainīt darbu spēlētājam (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Player ID" },
"job": { "name": "job", "help": "Job name" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Spēlētāja ID" },
"job": { "name": "job", "help": "Darba nosaukums" }
"addjob": {
"help": "Add Job to Player (Admin Only)",
"help": "Iedot darbu spēlētājam (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Player ID" },
"job": { "name": "job", "help": "Job name" },
"grade": { "name": "grade", "help": "Job grade" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Spēlētāja ID" },
"job": { "name": "job", "help": "Darba nosaukums" },
"grade": { "name": "grade", "help": "Darba pakāpe" }
"removejob": {
"help": "Remove Job from Player (Admin Only)",
"help": "Atņemt darbu spēlētājam (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Player ID" },
"job": { "name": "job", "help": "Job name" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Spēlētāja ID" },
"job": { "name": "job", "help": "Darba nosaukums" }
"gang": { "help": "Check Your Gang" },
"gang": { "help": "Pārbaudīt bandu" },
"setgang": {
"help": "Set A Players Gang (Admin Only)",
"help": "Uzlikt spēlētājam bandu (Tikai Administrātors)",
"params": {
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Player ID" },
"gang": { "name": "gang", "help": "Gang name" },
"grade": { "name": "grade", "help": "Gang grade" }
"id": { "name": "id", "help": "Spēlētāja ID" },
"gang": { "name": "gang", "help": "Bandas nosaukums" },
"grade": { "name": "grade", "help": "Bandas pakāpe" }
"ooc": { "help": "OOC Chat Message" },
"ooc": { "help": "OOC Čata izziņa" },
"me": {
"help": "Show local message",
"help": "Rādīt lokālo izziņu",
"params": {
"message": { "name": "message", "help": "Message to send" }
"message": { "name": "message", "help": "Izziņa ko sūtīt" }
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