A web app for watching the authors' google scholar, which is based on scholarly and streamlit.
- Fetch the citations and changes of the registered authors. (Support default daily update and force update)
- Display details and Chart Analysis of Focus Authors.
- Support add/modify the registered authors. (Now disabled for the security concern)
- Display the latest K publications of Focus Authors.
- View demo through this demo-link:
Generally, there is only one hosted Scholar-Watch needed for each group, as they can customize their own registered authors in their fields. So here is the way for self-host.
# (recommended)create a conda env, you should install conda/miniconda first
conda create -n streamlit python=3.7
conda activate streamlit
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# config the config.ini
# make sure your host could visit Google Scholar. maybe https_proxy needed.
## (1) if host server could, then set mode = server
## (2) if host server could not, then set https_proxy and set mode = local
# run Scholar-Watcher app
streamlit run 1_🏠_Scholar_Watcher.py # which is the home page
- v0.1.0 (2022-08-06)
- Basic framework done with streamlit
- Could debug locally
- v0.1.1 (2022-08-13)
- Deploy on streamlit cloud, now it is open for access
- v0.1.2 (2022-08-14)
- Add a new feature mentioned in #issue2
- v0.1.3 alpha (2022-08-26)
- Support auto update at 00:00:01 on server's localtime (That is 08:00:01 of GMT+8)
- v0.1.3 beta (2022-08-28)
- Remove auto update for the sake of Streamlit cloud. Add Debug page to show info
Any improvements (not only in Todo) are welcome, in the form of PR.
- Add Chart Analysis for focus authors.
- Add daily auto update. (Bug to fix)
- Add database support.
- Add Authentication.
- Add Security Check.
- Deploy on Server.
- Add latest K publications.
- Add show citation log in Debug page.
Seems that the demo website is down... I should consider fixing the database problems.