- A passionate Tech Art enthusiast with expertise in developing tools and shaders in Unreal Engine and Unity. I focus on creating efficient workflows, leveraging my skills in C++, C#, and Python.
📫 My mail, if you want to reach me: [email protected]
📫 My mail, if you want to reach me: [email protected]
A small game made during a course in school. In this project we were 6 people who participated.
This is a large game project that was done during a course in school. We were a total of 9 people who participated in this project.
A Discord-bot made for a private community server. It contains everything from various commands to a levelsystem, as well as slot- and lottery machines
Python 3
Contains code from four different Python Modules, as well as Maya's C ++ API used for speed measurements to transfer animations between two skeleton hierarchies.
Python 1
Custom format created using the FBX SDK.
Viewport editor made with Autodesk Mayas C++ API and GamePlay3D [Open-Source C++ game engine].