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kleinerm committed Nov 3, 2024
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Showing 13 changed files with 332 additions and 34 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions docs/
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# [PsychCV('April3DSettings')](PsychCV-April3DSettings)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction

[glProjectionMatrix, camCalib, tagSize, minD, maxD] = PsychCV('April3DSettings' [, camCalib][, tagSize][, minD][, maxD]);

Return current 3D marker pose reconstruction and 3D rendering parameters,
optionally change them.
For 6-[DoF](DoF) 3D marker tag pose computation, and for return of [OpenGL](OpenGL) compliant
rendering matrices, information about the physical size of april tag markers,
[OpenGL](OpenGL) near and far clipping planes, andthe intrinsic optical parameters of the
camera that captures the marker images are needed.
These parameters can be changed anytime with this subfunction. Following
settings are available:
'camCalib' Intrinsic camera parameters vector: [cx, cy, fx, fy]. (cx,cy) is
sensor center in pixels, (fx,fy) is focal length in pixels.
'tagSize' Size of an April tag in meters, ie. length of one side of the square
'minD' Near clipping distance for [OpenGL](OpenGL) frustum computation - Affects
'glProjectionMatrix' matrix only.
'maxD' Far clipping distance for [OpenGL](OpenGL) frustum computation - Affects
'glProjectionMatrix' matrix only.

The optionally returned 'glProjectionMatrix', based on these parameters, can be
used as [OpenGL](OpenGL) GL\_PROJECTION\_MATRIX to render 3D objects superimposed and
aligned with the markers in the video input image from the camera, for
debugging, diagnostics, or AR / mixed reality applications.

###See also:
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# [PsychCV('AprilDetectMarkers')](PsychCV-AprilDetectMarkers)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction

[detectedMarkers] = PsychCV('AprilDetectMarkers'[, markerSubset=all][, infoType=all]);

Detect apriltags in the current video image, return information about them.

Analyzes the current video image, stored in the internal input image buffer, and
tries to detect the apriltag markers in them. For all detected tags, their 2D
center, their 2D corners, and their 3D position and orientation is computed,
using the provided camera calibration. The return argument 'detectedMarkers' is
an array of structs, with one struct for each successfully detected tag. The
struct contains info about the identity of the tag, confidence values for the
reliability of detection, and the estimated 6-[DoF](DoF) 3D position and 3D pose of the
marker tag in 3D space, relative to the cameras reference frame and origin.
Please note that, in general, 3D pose estimates are not as reliable and accurate
as the 2D detection of markers. Furthermore, the 3D orientation of the marker is
way less well defined and accurate than the 3D position of the markers center.
Often the estimated 3D orientation may be outright rubbish!
You can use [PsychCV](PsychCV)('AprilSettings'); to tune various parameters related to the
2D marker detection, including the use of multiple processing threads for higher
For 6-[DoF](DoF) 3D estimation, you need to provide camera intrinsic parameters and the
size of the tags via [PsychCV](PsychCV)('April3DSettings').
If you don't want to detect all tags, but only a subset, then pass a list of
candidate tag id's via the list 'markerSubset', to reduce your codes complexity
and computation time.
To further reduce computation time, you can ask for only a subset of information
by providing 'infoType'. By default all information is returned at highest
quality and robustness with longest computation time:
- 2D marker detection data is always returned.
- A value of +1 will return 3D pose.
Omitting the value +1 from 'infoType' will avoid 3D pose estimation.

The returned structs contain the following fields:
'Id' The decoded apriltag id. Hamming code error correction is used for
'MatchQuality' A measure of the quality of the binary decoding process. This is
what the apriltag library calls decision\_margin. Higher numbers roughly indicate
better decodes. It is a reasonable measure of detection quality only for small
tags, mostly meaningless for bigger tags.
'HammingErrorBits' Number of error bits corrected. Smaller numbers are better.
'Corners2D' A 2-by-4 matrix with the 2D pixel coordinates of the detected
corners of the tag in the input image, each column representing one corner [x ;
y]. These always wrap counter-clock wise around the tag.
'Center2D' A vector with the 2D pixel coordinates of the estimated center of the
tag in the input image.
'PoseError' If 3D pose estimation was used, the object space error of the
returned pose.
'T' A 3-component [x ; y; z] translation vector which encodes the estimated 3D
location of the center of the tag in space, in units of meters, relative to the
origin of the camera.
'R' A 3x3 rotation matrix, encoding the estimated pose of the tag, relative to
the cameras reference frame. Convention is that the tag itself lies in the x-y
plane of its local reference frame, and the positive z-axis sticks out of the
tags surface like a surface normal vector.
'TransformMatrix' A 4x4 transformation matrix representing position and
orientation all in one, for convenience. Simply the product [TransformMatrix](TransformMatrix) = T
\* R, extended to a 4x4 format. This represents pose relative to the cameras
origin, x-axis to the right, y-axis down, z-axis along the looking direction aka
optical axis.
'ModelViewMatrix' A 4x4 RHS transformation matrix, directly usable for 3D [OpenGL](OpenGL)
rendering of objects in the tags local reference frame. It can be used directly
as GL\_MODELVIEW\_MATRIX for rendering 3D content on top of the tag in the video
image, or right-multiplied to the active GL\_MODELVIEW\_MATRIX to represent the
tags 6 [DoF](DoF) pose relative to the 3D [OpenGL](OpenGL) cameras origin. You need to use the
GL\_PROJECTION\_MATRIX returned by matrix = [PsychCV](PsychCV)('April3DSettings'); for
rendering superimposed to images from the camera that captured the april tags.
This matrix is a rotated version of 'TransformMatrix', rotated 180 degrees
around the x-axis for [OpenGL](OpenGL) compatibility, as apriltag has x-axis to the right,
y-axis down, z-axis along optical looking direction axis, whereas [OpenGL](OpenGL) has its
x-axis to the right, y-axis up, and the negative z-axis along optical looking
direction axis / viewing direction, ie. 180 degrees rotated.

###See also:
[AprilInitialize](PsychCV-AprilInitialize) [AprilSettings](PsychCV-AprilSettings) [April3DSettings](PsychCV-April3DSettings)
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# [PsychCV('AprilInitialize')](PsychCV-AprilInitialize)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction

[inputImageMemBuffer] = PsychCV('AprilInitialize', tagFamilyName, imgWidth, imgHeight, imgChannels [, imgFormat][, maxNrTags]);

Initialize apriltag prior to first use.

Apriltag markers are loaded for the given apriltag family 'tagFamilyName'.
The following tag families are currently supported:
tagCircle49h12 - Use maxNrTags to restrict size!
tagCustom48h12 - Use maxNrTags to restrict size!
tagStandard52h13 - Use maxNrTags to restrict size!

Internal video image memory buffers are set up for input images of size
'imgWidth' x 'imgHeight' pixels, with 'imgChannels' mono or color channels (1
MONO, 3 RGB, or 4 RGBA are valid settings, but 1 for MONO is the most efficient
choice for minimal computation time). For 3 or 4 channels, the input color
format 'imgFormat' (or a default setting if 'imgFormat' is omitted) defines
color channel ordering for the input pixel bytes. 'imgFormat' can be one of:
RGB = 1, BGR = 2, BGRA = 4 (default for 4 channels), ARGB = 7, MONO = 6. Other
pixel formats are not supported for input images, but these are the ones
provided by Psychtoolbox's various video capture engines for different video
sources and settings. For 1 channel mono/grayscale or 3 channel RGB color
content, you don't need to specify 'imgFormat' as the chosen default will always
work, but for 4 channel content with alpha channel, you may have to specify
'imgFormat' if your machine does not return BGRA ordered pixels, but ARGB
ordered pixels, or marker detection on 4 channel content may fail or perform
When using a tag family with many potential tags, you can limit the number of
tags to use to the first 'maxNrTags' tags if you specify 'maxNrTags'. This is
important for certain large tag families, as using the tag family at its full
capacity may consume a lot of memory and take a very long time to initialize!
Then apriltags is initialized, and a memory buffer handle 'inputImageMemBuffer'
to the internal video memory input buffer is returned.

You should pass this handle to Psychtoolbox functions for videocapture to
acquire video images from the scene containing the tags, and to store that input
image inside PsychCV's video buffer.

After this step, you can commence the actual tracking operations by calls to
[Screen](Screen)()'s video capture engine and the [PsychCV](PsychCV)('AprilDetectMarkers', ...);

###See also:
[AprilShutdown](PsychCV-AprilShutdown) [AprilDetectMarkers](PsychCV-AprilDetectMarkers) [AprilSettings](PsychCV-AprilSettings) [April3DSettings](PsychCV-April3DSettings)
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# [PsychCV('AprilSettings')](PsychCV-AprilSettings)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction

[nrThreads, imageDecimation, quadSigma, refineEdges, decodeSharpening, criticalRadAngle, deglitch, maxLineFitMse, minWhiteBlackDiff, minClusterPixels, maxNMaxima] = PsychCV('AprilSettings' [, nrThreads][, imageDecimation][, quadSigma][, refineEdges][, decodeSharpening][, criticalRadAngle][, deglitch][, maxLineFitMse][, minWhiteBlackDiff][, minClusterPixels][, maxNMaxima]);

Return current tracker parameters, optionally change tracker parameters.
These settings are set to reasonable defaults at startup, but can be changed
anytime with this subfunction. Most of these settings define tradeoffs between
computation time aka tracking speed and quality/robustness of tracking.
Following settings are available:
'nrThreads' Number of processing threads to use for speeding up operation.
Default is 1 for single-threaded operation.
'imageDecimation' 1 = Process full image. \> 1 = Only work on resolution
decimated image for higher speed at lower precision. Default is 2.
'quadSigma' How much blurring (values \> 0) or sharpening (values < 0) to apply
to input images to reduce noise. Default is 0 for none.
'refineEdges' 1 = Perform edge refinement on detected edges (cheap, and the
default), 0 = Use simpler strategy.
'decodeSharpening' How much sharpening should be done to decoded images? Can
help small tags. Default is 0.25.
'criticalRadAngle' How close pairs of edges can be to straight before rejection.
0 = Don't reject. Default is 10 degrees.
'deglitch' Should the thresholded image be deglitched (1) or not (0)? Only
useful for very noisy images. Default is 0 for false.
'maxLineFitMse' When fitting lines to contours, what is the maximum mean squared
error allowed? For rejecting contours far from quad shape. Default is 10.0.
'minWhiteBlackDiff' How much brighter (in pixel values 0 - 255) must white
pixels be than black pixels? Default is 5.
'minClusterPixels' Reject quads containing less than this number of pixels.
Default is 5.
'maxNMaxima' How many corner candidates to consider when segmenting a group of
pixels into a quad. Default is 10.

###See also:
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# [PsychCV('AprilShutdown')](PsychCV-AprilShutdown)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction


Shut down apriltag after use, release all resources.
The memory buffer handle 'inputImageMemBuffer' returned by a prior call to
inputImageMemBuffer = [PsychCV](PsychCV)('AprilInitialize', ...); will be invalid after
this shutdown call and must not be used anymore, or Psychtoolbox will crash!

###See also:
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# [PsychCV('CopyMatrixToMemBuffer')](PsychCV-CopyMatrixToMemBuffer)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction

PsychCV('CopyMatrixToMemBuffer', matrix, memBufferPtr);

Copies a Matlab/Octave uint8 or double matrix 'matrix' into a C memory buffer,
whose memory (void\*) pointer is encoded as a double scalar value 'memBufferPtr'.
The target buffer must be of sufficient size, no checking is performed! This is
essentially a C memcpy() operation, so use with caution, or Matlab/Octave will

###See also:

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# [PsychCV('DescribeModuleFunctionsHelper')](PsychCV-DescribeModuleFunctionsHelper)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction

subfunctionNames = Modulename('DescribeModuleFunctionsHelper' [, mode] [, subfunctionName]);

Return a cell array of strings naming all subfunctions supported by this module
if the optional 'subfunctionName' argument is omitted. If 'subfunctionName' is a
string with a valid subfunction name for the module, and 'mode' is 1, return a 3
element cell array of strings which describe the detailed syntax, help and see
also strings for that function - the text you'd get for

###See also:

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# [PsychCV('Verbosity')](PsychCV-Verbosity)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction

oldlevel = PsychCV('Verbosity' [,level]);

Set level of verbosity for error/warning/status messages. 'level' optional, new
level of verbosity. 'oldlevel' is the old level of verbosity. The following
levels are supported: 0 = Shut up. 1 = Print errors, 2 = Print also warnings, 3
= Print also some info, 4 = Print more useful info (default), \>5 = Be very
verbose (mostly for debugging the driver itself).

###See also:

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# [PsychCV('Version')](PsychCV-Version)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV).{mex*} subfunction


return the version of [PsychCV](PsychCV) in a struct

###See also:

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# [PsychCV](PsychCV)
##### >[Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychBasic](PsychBasic)
##### [Psychtoolbox](Psychtoolbox)>[PsychCV](PsychCV)

[PsychCV](PsychCV) is a MEX file for computer-vision applications. [PsychCV](PsychCV) has
many functions; type "[PsychCV](PsychCV)" for a list:
PsychCV - Helper module for miscellaneous functionality related to image processing and/or computer vision:

Please note that [PsychCV](PsychCV) is only supported on recent platforms, e.g.,
Matlab versions 7.4 (R2007a) and later or Octave-3 on Windows, and only
on Intel based Macintosh computers under OS/X but not on [PowerPC](PowerPC)
Copyright 2008 - 2024 Mario Kleiner. Licensed under MIT license. For potential statically included libraries,
see licenses below. This module employs various different 3rd party software, so here are the credits for those parts:

The 'Aprilxxx' subfunctions for April tag tracking are implemented by use of the apriltag library from: and .
The apriltag library is licensed under BSD-2 clause license. See Psychtoolbox main License.txt file for details.

General information and settings:

version = PsychCV('[Version](PsychCV-Version)');
oldlevel = PsychCV('[Verbosity](PsychCV-Verbosity)' [,level]);

Helper functions for memory buffer copies:

PsychCV('[CopyMatrixToMemBuffer](PsychCV-CopyMatrixToMemBuffer)', matrix, memBufferPtr);

Support for the apriltag 2D/3D april tag marker tracking library:

[inputImageMemBuffer] = PsychCV('[AprilInitialize](PsychCV-AprilInitialize)', tagFamilyName, imgWidth, imgHeight, imgChannels [, imgFormat][, maxNrTags]);
[detectedMarkers] = PsychCV('[AprilDetectMarkers](PsychCV-AprilDetectMarkers)'[, markerSubset=all][, infoType=all]);
[nrThreads, imageDecimation, quadSigma, refineEdges, decodeSharpening, criticalRadAngle, deglitch, maxLineFitMse, minWhiteBlackDiff, minClusterPixels, maxNMaxima] = PsychCV('[AprilSettings](PsychCV-AprilSettings)' [, nrThreads][, imageDecimation][, quadSigma][, refineEdges][, decodeSharpening][, criticalRadAngle][, deglitch][, maxLineFitMse][, minWhiteBlackDiff][, minClusterPixels][, maxNMaxima]);
[glProjectionMatrix, camCalib, tagSize, minD, maxD] = PsychCV('[April3DSettings](PsychCV-April3DSettings)' [, camCalib][, tagSize][, minD][, maxD]);

PsychCV is a MEX file for computer-vision applications. PsychCV has
many functions; type "PsychCV" for a list:

Please note that PsychCV is only supported on recent platforms, e.g.,
Matlab versions 7.4 (R2007a) and later or Octave-3 on Windows, and only
on Intel based Macintosh computers under OS/X but not on PowerPC

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