Releases: Psychedelic/nft-marketplace-fe
Releases Β· Psychedelic/nft-marketplace-fe
1.0.0 (2022-06-23)
Bug Fixes
- π disable listing button if amount is zero (#286) (aa10f02)
- π don't show cancel button while transaction status is pending (#235) (8a42a37)
- π empty state message and button styles when filters applied (#257) (44f8e49)
- π owners count is getting disappeared while loading more NFT's (#234) (b03a3be)
- π prevent closing modal from outside of the modal content (#218) (e332e6e)
- π show insufficient fungible balance error notification (#236) (d7f0773)
- π accept offer, listing by service is required (#141) (39dad3f)
- π activity tab wicp is undefined and remove usd price from historical data (#153) (80b2431)
- π add missing start script (#405) (2d304ff)
- π added space beneath filtered traits (#339) (d4e4d02)
- π auto closing of modals (#362) (3c7725a)
- π back button via history api (#356) (6b0f099), closes #360
- π body color on theme change (#317) (b284343)
- π cancel offer button has no space around it (#326) (866b85e)
- π CAP sync calls (#387) (46879fb)
- π changed text link color to primary (#281) (aac1be7)
- π Clear Status + Price Filters Bug (#154) (38c6ab0)
- π create Actor instance when plug is not connected (#181) (80d64b0)
- π disabled button actions, should not allow keyboard (#337) (a8b45ba)
- π display search wicp value (#290) (1d7ce07)
- π elements sizing and table empty styling (#241) (5263960)
- π event type icons (#221) (9b2c58c)
- π failed to retrieve bucket id (revert Cap removal Plug whitelist) (#381) (21e0348), closes #379
- π filter traits select bug (#166) (e401b7d)
- π fix infinite loader skeleton for tables (#358) (5533e5a)
- π fixed filter bug on staging + added icon to/modified styles on success notification ui (#131) (2cdc054)
- π fixed nft activity table header text color (#293) (7d419df)
- π fixed outline appearing underneath tabs (#313) (d7fb74d)
- π fixed padding + font weight inaccuracy on trait chips (#294) (6cdcc8f)
- π fixed styling issues on copy link dropdown (#306) (9b1beb1)
- π fixed table height distortion issue (#283) (dc2f0d1)
- π functional component not ref compatible (#374) (ea29dad)
- π handle error messages in direct buy (#299) (224cbf0)
- π handle errors across marketplace thunks (#348) (5985f47)
- π handle errors while NFT listing (#347) (8fc98b3)
- π handle insufficient balance in direct buy (#300) (77b6427)
- π handle multiple calls to getCollectionData API on page load (#233) (10f1187)
- π handle undefined trait filter values (#232) (52a81f5)
- π horizontal scroll on filters bar (#377) (1ecdc51)
- π infinite scroll type (#219) (091bf88)
- π is token id when bigint (#220) (41f0da2)
- π keyboard accessibility issues on focus state (#353) (2cd2328)
- π kyasshu api url has undefined caused by filter menu (#152) (c2cc666)
- π ky...