An OSM Markdown Parser for EPIC-OSM
Given an osmdown file, this package will generate an easy to navigate and analyze html document.
osmdown is built on the vizdown engine
Usage: osmbuild [options] [command]
parse Simply parse a file, print back to STOUT
render Render a string of text
build Given an .osmdown file, write HTML
preview preview <src> rendered in a web browser
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --destination <path> A destination for the rendered HTML
osmdown preview ./test/sample.osmdown; open ./test/sample.osmdown.html
An osmdown
document starts with YAML frontmatter denoted by ---
title: My osmdown sample document
email: '[email protected]'
#Analysis Window Information
start_date: '2010-01-01'
end_date: '2010-12-31'
bbox: '-86.354212,12.084238,-86.133199,12.191113' #Expecting 4 parameters
baseurl: '../'
#This is the title of my document
The content in the codeblock below will be evaluated at build time and the variables are available throughout the rest of the document.
//Code denoted by 3 ticks
var options = {foo: bar}
You can reference variables with curly braces: The value of foo in options is {{ }}
A variety of pre-coded blocks exist:
{{ osmviz.block('summary', {title: 'Boulder Sample'}) }}
Specific data files can be loaded
var data = osmdata('./test/json/median_changesets_per_mapper.json')
{{ osmviz.block('changesets', {title: 'Boulder Sample'}) }}
{{osmviz.block('summary', options)}}
{{osmviz.block('summary', options)}}