DESCRIPTION: A bookstore website where users can buy books, write reviews, add to wishlist... nothing much.
- User Registration by email or by Google OAuth.
- Email Verification is optional.
- A wishlist is created for every user after sign up, with the help of Signals.
- Genres of the bookstore are: 'comedy', 'horror', 'fiction', 'romance'
- Users can add to their wishlist, add/delete from cart, create orders.
- Users can pay for orders
- Users can write and view reviews.
Yeah, so that's basically everything about this project
django = "==3.0.1" psycopg2-binary = "==2.8.4" django-crispy-forms = "==1.8.1" django-allauth = "==0.41.0" pillow = "==6.2.1" djangorestframework = "==3.11.0" django-utils-six = "*" dj-rest-auth = "==1.0.4" pyyaml = "==5.3" drf-yasg = "==1.17.1" whitenoise = "==5.0.1" gunicorn = "==20.0.4" flutterwave payment gateway django-anymail django-storages
- Marking orders as paid, by tring to get the order id
- As of this moment of writing, haven't added an email transaction service. I had to host it first to get a domain name.
- Cart session gave little issues.
- Frontend pages, since I'm no frontend dev... used templates :)
- Difficulty with setting up dropbox storage, which was later done