Xiaoyi Chen, Zhiran Chen, Kaicheng Ding, Weixin Liu, Xuening Wang, Ruitao Yi
Carniegie Mellon University
We propose and implement a machine learning pipeline that combines content-based and collaborative recommendation methods for a large-scale, personalized song recommendation system. The goal is to predict which songs that a user will listen to and make a recommendation list of 10 songs to each user, given both the user’s listening history and full information (including meta-data and audio feature analysis) for all songs.
- Python 3.6
- Tables 3.6.1
- h5df 0.1.5
- Numpy 1.18
- Scikit-Learn 0.23.2
- Pandas 0.15.2
- Matplotlib 3.3.1
- Seaborn 0.10.1
- Spark_notebook_helpers 1.0.1
├── utils
├── 10605_Project_Report.pdf
├── README.md
├── collaborative_bad_map.ipynb
├── collaborative_good_map.ipynb
├── dependencies.sh
├── preprocessing_zepplin.json
├── setup-script.sh
└── sid_mismatches.txt
To install dependencies, please run the following command to install everything required automatically:
$ ./setup-script.sh
Download and extract dataset from here: http://millionsongdataset.com/ to designated directories.
We achieved 0.4 recall when setting the cosine similarity threshold as 0.9 and 5.0524 RMSE with collabrative filtering
Fabio Aiolli. A preliminary study on a recommendersystem for the million songs dataset challenge. Volume964, 01, 2013.
Thierry Bertin-Mahieux, Daniel PW Ellis, Brian Whit-man, and Paul Lamere. The million song dataset. 2011.
Yi Li, Rudhir Gupta, Yoshiyuki Nagasaki, and TianheZhang. Million song dataset recommendation projectreport. 2012.
B. McFee, T. Bertin-Mahieux, D. Ellis, and G. Lanck-riet. The million song dataset challenge. 2012.