The pull request has been abandoned.
The issue or pull request is blocking the next release. Higher priority than label 'High priority'.
When used on an issue, the issue has been determined to be a breaking change.
The issue is describing an expect behavior.
The issue or pull request was closed by the author.
The issue is a discussion.
The issue is related to documentation only.
The issue or PR is the duplicate of another.
The issue is an enhancement request.
The issue cannot be resolved within the DSC Resource Kit.
The issue should be easier to fix and can be taken up by a beginner to learn to contribute on GitHub
The issue is up for grabs for anyone in the community.
The issue or PR should be resolved first. It is of less priority than the label 'Blocking Release'.
The issue is being actively worked on by someone.
The issue needs to be investigated by the maintainers or/and the community.
The issue needs more information from the author or the community.
The pull request needs a code review.
The issue was closed without being fixed.
The issue or pull request has been put on hold by a maintainer.
The pull request was approved by the community and is ready to be merged by a maintainer.
A fix has been merged into the dev-branch but the issue is still open and awaits next release.
The issue is proposing a new resource in the resource module.
The issue or pull request was marked as stale because there hasn't been activity from the community.
The issue or pull request is about tests only.
The pull request was last updated by the author.
The pull request is waiting for the author to respond to comments in the pull request.
The contributor has not yet signed the CLA so that pull request check is not successful.