Welcome to Pool-Box. We develop R packages and web apps to analyse pool-tested data for epidemiological studies.
❓ An R package with tools for working with pooled or grouped samples, initially inspired by the stand-alone software 'PoolScreen'
⭐ Features:
- Facilitates estimates of prevalence of a marker in the population based on tests performed with pooled sampled
- Perform analyses under frequentist (maximum likelihood) or Bayesian frameworks
- Accounts for hierarchical/clustered sampling designs
- Enables mixed effect regression models to identify covariates with the outcome of interest, estimate odds ratios, and predict prevalence
- Estimate intra‐cluster correlation (ICC) coefficients for each variable in the hierarchical sampling scheme
💻 Visit the PoolTestR GitHub repository
💻 PoolTestR is also available for download on CRAN and R-universe
❓ An R package to faciliate proper study design for surveys using pool testing
⭐ Features:
- Power and sample size calculations
- Design optimisation tools for surveys using pool testing
💻 Visit the PoolPoweR GitHub repository
❓ A Shiny interface to PoolTestR and PoolPoweR with a user-friendly GUI
💻 The latest version of PoolTools (v0.1.5) is available here: https://poolbox.shinyapps.io/PoolTools/
💻 Visit the PoolTools GitHub repository
💻 PoolTools is documented via the PoolTools wiki
📧 If you find these packages helpful, please let us know -- we'd love to hear how you're finding them.