- network decomposition through a truncated-SVD capture the evolutionary signal of species interactions
- the decomposition into left/right subspaces is unique, represents latent traits for resp. outgoing and incoming edges, and can be used to predict interactions
- we can infer latent traits for unobserved species based on phylogenetic proximity with observed species
- we use this information to transfer information from the trophic interaction of European mammals to Canadian mammals for which we have no a priori data
This README is generated using Literate.jl
and contains every line or every
file used to produce the entire results. This is, essentially, the director's
commentary version of the analysis - there are discussions of the purpose, but
also discussion of technical choices.
Step | Script | Vignette | Notebook |
Correct names from the European metaweb | 💻 | 📄 | 📔 |
Correct names from the reference phylogeny | 💻 | 📄 | 📔 |
Harmonize IUCN names | 💻 | 📄 | 📔 |
Reconcile all mammal names | 💻 | 📄 | 📔 |
Make the predictions | 💻 | 📄 | 📔 |
Compare with Newfoundland data | 💻 | 📄 | 📔 |
Compare with GLOBI data | 💻 | 📄 | 📔 |
Produce the Canadian metaweb | 💻 | 📄 | 📔 |
The names in the parts of the datasets are using different versions of the taxonomy, and so we will reconcile everything using GBIF. The process is entirely automated, and required no human decision. We rely on a mix of strict matching, and then search through synonyms.
The scripts are going to require a number of folders, so we will create them
here. Note that it is assume you will download the data/
folder, and the
. More details on Julia package management can be found on the
website, [https://pkgdocs.julialang.org/v1/].
if !isdir("data")
error("You need to download the data folder from https://github.com/PoisotLab/MetawebTransferLearning/tree/main/data")
if !isfile("Project.toml")
error("You need to download the project file from https://github.com/PoisotLab/MetawebTransferLearning/blob/main/Project.toml")
isdir("artifacts") || mkdir("artifacts")
isdir("figures") || mkdir("figures")
Nothing here is out of the extroardinary - we do some processing on multiple
threads, and use ProgressMeter
to provide visual feedback on the time to
using Phylo
using GBIF
using DataFrames
using CSV: CSV
using ProgressMeter
using DelimitedFiles
using Base.Threads
This step is extracting the species names from the species list in the European metaweb - we will need to go through two steps: removing the non-mammals by filtering on the species code, and then extracting the names these species were given in the European metaweb.
metaweb_names = String.(readdlm(joinpath("data", "Spp_Id.txt")))
mammal_positions = findall(startswith("M"), metaweb_names[:, 1])
This line specifically is going to create the list of mammal names that are recorded in the European metaweb. As such, this is the first one we will clean.
mammal_names = metaweb_names[mammal_positions, 2]
To ensure that we can join dataframes together, we will create a data frame with the species code, the name and ID of the matched species in the GBIF backbone, and finally, a flag to check that the two names are equal. This flag is useful for manual inspection; most often, names are unequal because the European metaweb uses deprecated taxonomic names.
Note that we are actually creating one dataframe per thread. This avoids several threads pushing to the same position at the dataframe, which always results in an error. There are, of course, other ways to avoid the issue, but this one is simple and takes a single line to reconcile.
gbif_cleanup_components = [
DataFrame(; code=String[], gbifname=String[], gbifid=Int64[], equal=Bool[]) for
i in 1:nthreads()
With the dataframe stores in place, we can distribute the name reconciliation on the different threads. The core of this loop is a search on the GBIF web API; this step is therefore going to be limited by the responses of GBIF. Note that although we use unstrict search (to allow for synonyms, etc), we restrict the search to Mammalia.
p = Progress(length(mammal_names))
@threads for i in 1:length(mammal_names)
cname = replace(mammal_names[i], '_' => ' ')
tax = GBIF.taxon(cname; strict=false, class="Mammalia")
(mammal_names[i], tax.species[1], tax.species[2], cname == tax.species[1]),
Data frames are now filled, and we need to bring them together in a single one
-- this is a one-line call to vcat
, as we simply need to stack them
gbif_cleanup = vcat(gbif_cleanup_components...)
Names in the European metaweb that are not matched are removed as a precaution:
select!(gbif_cleanup, Not(:equal))
We finally rename the columns, to facilitate the joins later in the pipeline:
rename!(gbif_cleanup, :code => :metaweb)
rename!(gbif_cleanup, :gbifname => :name)
rename!(gbif_cleanup, :gbifid => :id)
We save the file in the artifacts
folders, as a csv:
CSV.write(joinpath("artifacts", "metaweb_gbif.csv"), gbif_cleanup)
The phylogeny suffers from much the same problem as the European metaweb. We will therefore use much of the same solution to fix the names.
The first step is to read the tree as a nexus file using Phylo
, and to get
rid of all the internal nodes -- we are only interested in the leaves of the
tree = open(parsenexus, joinpath("data", "mammals.nex"))["*UNTITLED"]
treenodes = [n.name for n in tree.nodes if !startswith(n.name, "Node ")]
This step is a little dirty. Remember that data cleaning is a sin eater, and
we need to eat other people's data sins at some point. This is this point.
Essentially, we will iterate through the rows of the cleaned metaweb names,
and match on either Gen sp
or Gen_sp
There is an edge case that was not solved automatically, and so the S.
musicus species gets its correct tree name manually. This name is caught
correctly by e.g. NCBITaxonomy.jl
, but this introduced another dependency
in the project, and requires another re-harmonization with the GBIF backbone.
n = []
for row in eachrow(gbif_cleanup)
if replace(row.name, ' ' => '_') in treenodes
push!(n, replace(row.name, ' ' => '_'))
elseif row.metaweb in treenodes
push!(n, row.metaweb)
elseif row.name == "Spermophilus musicus"
push!(n, "Spermophilus_pygmaeus")
Because the positions in n
match with the row indices in the cleaned metaweb
names, we add this object as a column:
gbif_cleanup.upham = n
We finally save this new file as another artifact. Generally, we will err on the side of caution and save multiple files with redudancy in them. This is good practice, and it allows for easier data dumpster diving if something goes wrong.
CSV.write(joinpath("artifacts", "names_metaweb_tree_gbif.csv"), gbif_cleanup)
using Phylo
using GBIF
using CSV, DataFrames
using ProgressMeter
using Base.Threads
While we have made a number of matches in the previous step, we want to make sure that the tree names are entirely reconciled to the GBIF version of the European metaweb names.
tree = open(parsenexus, joinpath("data", "mammals.nex"))["*UNTITLED"]
treenodes = [n.name for n in tree.nodes if !startswith(n.name, "Node ")]
We use the same basic approach as for the metaweb name matching, i.e. a collection of data frames meant to make the name cleaning thread-safe.
tree_cleanup_components = [
DataFrame(; code=String[], gbifname=String[], gbifid=Int64[], equal=Bool[]) for
i in 1:nthreads()
This code is, again, similar to the previous step - the only difference is
that we need to get rid of the _
that phylogeny files love so much.
p = Progress(length(treenodes))
@threads for i in 1:length(treenodes)
cname = replace(treenodes[i], '_' => ' ')
tax = GBIF.taxon(cname; strict=false, class="Mammalia")
(treenodes[i], tax.species[1], tax.species[2], cname == tax.species[1]),
As previously, we create a new artifact (note that it is not merged to the reconciled metaweb names - we are mostly accumulating keys for joins at this point).
tree_cleanup = vcat(tree_cleanup_components...)
CSV.write(joinpath("artifacts", "upham_gbif_names.csv"), tree_cleanup)
using GBIF
using CSV, DataFrames
using ProgressMeter
using Base.Threads
We downloaded a checklist of mammals reported to be in Canada from the IUCN database. Before deciding on this solution, we examined a few alternatives, notably the use of GBIF occurrences. GBIF occurrences had a few issues, including spurious records, museum specimens incorrectly tagged, captive exotic species being reported as occurrences, etc.
checklist = DataFrame(CSV.File(joinpath("data", "taxonomy.csv")))
The European metaweb is limited to "terrestrial" mammals. For this reason, we identified a number of taxonomic groups (mostly families) that are present in Canada but were excluded from the source dataset, and remove them.
valid_rows = map(
fam ->
fam ∈ [
checklist = checklist[findall(valid_rows), :]
Neovison macrodon (considered to be extinct) and Enhydra lutris (considered a marine mammal) are removed as well.
extinct_sp = map(
sp ->
sp ∈ [
"Neovison macrodon",
"Enhydra lutris"
checklist = checklist[findall(extinct_sp), :]
By this point, the approach should be familiar: we will create a thread-safe structure for the name cleaning, and use the GBIF API to find the correct matches.
checklist_cleanup_components = [
DataFrame(; code=String[], gbifname=String[], gbifid=Int64[], equal=Bool[]) for
i in 1:nthreads()
Again, we get rid of _
before doing the matching. This is actually not
something we want built into the name cleaning function itself, because some
taxa have underscores as valid identifiers. None of the taxa from this
specific dataset do, but it is better to keep the low-level tools general, and
make the specific changes in user-code.
p = Progress(length(checklist.scientificName))
@threads for i in 1:length(checklist.scientificName)
cname = replace(checklist.scientificName[i], '_' => ' ')
tax = GBIF.taxon(cname; strict=false, class="Mammalia")
cname == tax.species[1],
We finally write the artifact:
checklist_cleanup = vcat(checklist_cleanup_components...)
CSV.write(joinpath("artifacts", "iucn_gbif_names.csv"), checklist_cleanup)
At this point, we are ready to bring the different cleaned named together, in order to move on to the actual prediction. By the end of this step, we will have a cleaned name of mammals, corresponding to the tree, the Canadian species pool, and the European metaweb, all reconciled to the GBIF taxonomy backbone.
using Phylo
using EcologicalNetworks
using DelimitedFiles
using CSV
using DataFrames
using ProgressMeter
We start by re-reading the tree from its nexus file - note that in the next
steps, we will move away from Phylo
to use PhyloNetworks
, which handles
the actual simulation of characters. But for name manipulation, Phylo
slightly easier to work with.
tree = open(parsenexus, joinpath("data", "mammals.nex"))["*UNTITLED"]
We can not read the file with the names of the European metaweb, their tree equivalent, and the corect GBIF name.
namelist = DataFrame(CSV.File(joinpath("artifacts", "names_metaweb_tree_gbif.csv")))
We will create a UnipartiteNetwork
to store the European interactions. This
is a much sparser version of the way the data are originally presented, and we
will furthermore ensure that the species have the correct (i.e. GBIF) names.
can handle having taxa objects from GBIF as nodes, but
this is not something we will do here; strings are more than enough to do the
matching, and we will not get back to the GBIF functions past this step.
mwspecies = unique(namelist.name)
M = UnipartiteNetwork(zeros(Bool, length(mwspecies), length(mwspecies)), mwspecies)
We need to start by preparing a dictionary of values, linking species codes to species names (metaweb names, that is, not the correct GBIF names):
speciescodes = readdlm(joinpath("data", "Spp_Id.txt"))[2:end, :]
speciesdict = Dict([
speciescodes[i, 1] => speciescodes[i, 2] for i in 1:size(speciescodes, 1)
The next step is to read the adjacency matrix for the European metaweb, which
has species codes as identifiers, and 0
or 1
as values:
mwlines = readlines(joinpath("data", "Metaweb_adults.csv"))
This next line will read the elements of the first row, from columns 2 to the end, and replace the codes by the names - this is our sorted list of species we can use:
mwhead = [speciesdict[sp] for sp in replace.(split(mwlines[1], ","), '"' => "")[2:end]]
We then walk through the rows one by one, splitting them on the separator
), and using the first element to identify the species. Everything that
has a 1
is added as an interaction to the network object:
for row in mwlines[2:end]
splitrow = replace.(split(row, ","), '"' => "")
from = speciesdict[splitrow[1]]
realname = namelist[isequal(from).(namelist.metaweb), :name]
if length(realname) == 0
sp_from = only(realname)
int = findall(isequal("1"), splitrow[2:end])
if !isempty(int)
to = mwhead[int]
to_names = namelist[map(n -> n in to, namelist.metaweb), :name]
for t in to_names
M[sp_from, t] = true
Finally, out of precaution, we drop the species without interactions (there are none), and drop the zeros from the sparse matrix in which interactions are stored:
We then save this artifact as a much more readable CSV edgelist, which we will use for the rest of the analysis:
open(joinpath("artifacts", "europeanmetaweb.csv"), "w") do euio
for int in sort(interactions(M); by=x -> x.from)
println(euio, "$(int.from),$(int.to)")
This is the largest step in the entire pipeline, but not necessarily a complex one. In short, this will generate the entire paper, minus some of the data inflation and post-processing steps. As such, there are a few dependencies in play.
using PhyloNetworks
using ProgressMeter
using LinearAlgebra
using EcologicalNetworks
using DelimitedFiles
using Random
using StatsPlots
using StatsBase
using Statistics
using SparseArrays
using CSV
using DataFrames
using GBIF
using Base.Threads
using StatsBase
using StatsModels
using Distributions
These lines are ensuring that the figures all look uniform, and we also set a seed for reproducibility.
default(; frame=:box)
Some functions that are required for phylogenetic imputation are stored in another file, and we will load them here to be done with that.
Reading the tree is done with PhyloNetworks
this time -- this is where we
will get the Brownian motion code from:
tree_net = readTopology(joinpath("data", "mammals.newick"));
We will grab back the corrected Europe/tree/GBIF names, as they will be used quite a lot to match simulations to species names:
namelist = DataFrame(CSV.File(joinpath("artifacts", "names_metaweb_tree_gbif.csv")))
Finally, we grab the European metaweb not from the original file, but from our edgelist artifact.
eurometa = readdlm(joinpath("artifacts", "europeanmetaweb.csv"), ',', String)
mwspecies = unique(eurometa)
M = UnipartiteNetwork(zeros(Bool, length(mwspecies), length(mwspecies)), mwspecies)
for i in 1:size(eurometa, 1)
M[eurometa[i, :]...] = true
The ideal way to find a cutoff for the rank at which the matrix should be cut would involve the profile likelihood, or approximating the maximum curvature point on the screeplot using the central difference approximation for the second order partial derivative. Sadly all of these approaches will conclude that only the first dimension is required (there is a biological reason for this, to which we will return when we dig into the biological meaning of the latent variables).
The only eigenvalues we care about are the ones that are up to the rank of the adjacency matrix - we will extract them, and range them so that they sum to unity. It makes no difference in the results, and allows us to read the proportion of variance explained directly.
rnk = rank(adjacency(M))
eig = svd(M).S[1:rnk]
neig = eig ./ sum(eig)
The first piece of information is a screeplot of the eigenvalues. As a rule, the document rendered from the literate files will not include the figures, as we do not want to go into the analysis (there is, after all, a whole paper for that).
scatter(eig; lab="", dpi=600, size=(500, 500))
xaxis!("Dimension", (1, 38))
yaxis!("Eigenvalue", (0, 40))
The second diagnosis plot is the proportion of variance explained. We added lines marking the points that explain between 50% and 90% of the total variance, every 10%.
scatter(cumsum(neig); lab="", dpi=600, size=(500, 500))
for ve in [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]
i = findfirst(cumsum(neig) .> ve)
x = cumsum(neig)[i]
plot!([0, i, NaN, i, i], [x, x, NaN, x, 0]; lab="", c=:grey, ls=:dash)
xaxis!("Dimension", (1, 38))
yaxis!("Cumulative variance explained", (0, 1.0))
At this point, we need to make an arbitrary call, which is to say to decide on a proportion of variance explained. We decided on 60%, which means that the first 12 ranks will be used.
L, R = rdpg(M, 12)
The L
and R
variables are the left and right subspaces from the random dot
product graph (which in turn are the left and right subspace from the t-SVD
multiplied by the square root of the diagonal matrix containing the
eigenvalues). Multiplying L
and R
(using a matrix multiplication!) will
give a rank-12 approximation of the European metaweb.
The reconstucted network (L*R
) will not have Boolean values. Essentially,
the multiplication will approximate something with values in {0,1} by
something with values in ℝ, and so we need to find a cutoff to separate
interactions from non-interactions. This threshold is important because it
holds for any reconstruction made using these latent variables - that is to
say, when we infer the Canadian interactions using reconstrusted left and
right subspaces, we will apply the same threshold.
Our basic approach to threshdolding is to examine 500 cutoffs points, get the confusion matrix, and retain as a threshold the value that maximizes Informedness:
A = adjacency(M)
thresholds = LinRange(extrema(L * R)..., 500)
tp = zeros(Float64, length(thresholds))
tn = similar(tp)
fp = similar(tp)
fn = similar(tp)
for (i, t) in enumerate(thresholds)
PN = (L * R) .>= t
tp[i] = sum((A) .& (PN)) / sum(A)
tn[i] = sum((.!(A)) .& (.!(PN))) / sum(.!(A))
fp[i] = sum((.!(A)) .& (PN)) / sum(.!(A))
fn[i] = sum((A) .& (.!(PN))) / sum(A)
We can calculate Youden's J at every cutoff, and the threshold is going to be the threshold associated to the maximum Y:
Y = tp .+ tn .- 1
maxY, posY = findmax(Y)
threshold = thresholds[posY]
We can plot the optimal cutoff - this is not presented in the manuscript, but useful in case you need to satisfy your curiosity. The best cutoff gives an informedness essentially = 1, which is expected.
plot(thresholds, Y; lw=0.0, fill=(0, 0.2), lab="", dpi=600, size=(500, 500))
scatter!([threshold], [maxY]; lab="", c=:darkgrey, msw=0.0)
yaxis!("Youden's J", (0, 1))
xaxis!("Cutoff", extrema(L * R))
The left and right subspaces do hold ecological information, and so it is a good idea to check them out visually. One striking result is that species with a value of 0 in the left subspace also have no preys: this is a strong clue that the left subspace is associated to generality (in the sense of Schoener 1989), a fact we will epxloit later on.
heatmap(L; c=:GnBu, frame=:none, cbar=false),
heatmap(R'; c=:BuPu, frame=:none, cbar=false);
size=(500, 400),
We are now ready to move on to the next step: infering the values of the left and right subspaces for the species that are not in the European metaweb, but are in the tree. To do so, we will need the tip names:
treeleaves = tipLabels(tree_net)
We are now ready to match the tree to the Canadian species pool names:
canada = DataFrame(CSV.File(joinpath("artifacts", "iucn_gbif_names.csv")))
cancodes = replace.(unique(filter(!ismissing, canada.gbifname)), " " => "_")
tree_cleanup = DataFrame(CSV.File(joinpath("artifacts", "upham_gbif_names.csv")))
csp = dropmissing!(DataFrame(; gbifname=canada.gbifname))
csp = dropmissing(leftjoin(csp, tree_cleanup; on=:gbifname))
We can store the cleaned Canadian species name into a data frame - this is
mandated by the PhyloNetworks
canmammals = unique(csp.code)
pool = DataFrame(; tipNames=canmammals)
We finally convert the network names to their underscored versions:
metaweb_can_names = replace.(M.S, " " => "_")
filter((x) -> (x) ∉ (metaweb_can_names ∩ treeleaves), metaweb_can_names)
This prepare a data frame for the trait values:
traitframe = DataFrame(; tipNames=treeleaves)
We will prepare the data frame required by PhyloNetworks
to store the
reconstructed traits:
matching_tree_reconstruction = DataFrame(;
tipNames=treeleaves, nodeNumber=range(1, length(treeleaves); step=1)
To avoid writing long code, we prepare a series of columns with L and R as a prefix, and the number (from 1 to 12) of the corresponding dimension as a suffix:
leftnames = "L" .* string.(1:size(L, 2))
traits_L = DataFrame(L, Symbol.(leftnames))
traits_L[!, "tipNames"] = metaweb_can_names
rightnames = "R" .* string.(1:size(R, 1))
traits_R = DataFrame(R', rightnames)
traits_R[!, "tipNames"] = metaweb_can_names
We can now merge these dataframes, and have something fully ready to be filled by the phylogenetic simulation:
traits = leftjoin(traitframe, traits_L; on=:tipNames)
traits = leftjoin(traits, traits_R; on=:tipNames)
imputedtraits = DataFrame(;
tipNames=[treeleaves; fill(missing, tree_net.numNodes - tree_net.numTaxa)]
The last step is to reconstruct each trait (L1 to L12, R1 to R12) for the entire tree. This is by far the longest part of the script, but it is not terribly long. This could probably be made thread parallel fairly easily but, this would also take more time to do than it takes to run.
for coord in 1:size(L, 2)
for prefix in ["L", "R"]
@info "Reconstructing $(prefix)$(coord)"
lower, upper, mean_trait = leaf_traits_reconstruction(
traits[!, ["$(prefix)$(coord)", "tipNames"]], tree_net
imputedtraits[!, "$(prefix)$(coord)_low"] = lower
imputedtraits[!, "$(prefix)$(coord)_up"] = upper
imputedtraits[!, "$(prefix)$(coord)_mean"] = mean_trait
When the loop is done, we extract the values for the species in the Canadian species pool:
canadian_rec = innerjoin(dropmissing(imputedtraits), pool; on=:tipNames)
This part of the script uses the same characters as the equations in the paper
- if you do not have a typeface with good unicode mathematical support installed, you might not get the full effect.
Recall that a RDGP approximation is a matrix multiplication - we will therefore get the reconstructed average values after the Brownian motion model, and have a little look at them:
𝓁 = Array(canadian_rec[!, leftnames .* "_mean"])
𝓇 = transpose(Array(canadian_rec[!, rightnames .* "_mean"]))
heatmap(𝓁; c=:GnBu, frame=:none, cbar=false),
heatmap(𝓇'; c=:BuPu, frame=:none, cbar=false);
size=(500, 400),
Because the Brownian motion model gives us a lower and upper bound, we will perform a series of random draws assuming that the values are uniformly distributed between these values. This step of the workflow can be adapted further. For example, one might want to account for the uncertainty in the phylogeny itself, or fit the distribution returned at each node rather than assuming a uniform distribution. We think that our approach introduces the least amount of guesses; it is likely to be over-estimating the chances of interactions a little, but this is the purpose of a metaweb: to give a list of possible interactions, to be later pared down.
𝓁ₗ = Array(canadian_rec[!, leftnames .* "_low"])
𝓇ₗ = transpose(Array(canadian_rec[!, rightnames .* "_low"]))
𝓁ᵤ = Array(canadian_rec[!, leftnames .* "_up"])
𝓇ᵤ = transpose(Array(canadian_rec[!, rightnames .* "_up"]))
The distributions are expressed as actual Uniform distributions from the
ℒ = Matrix{Uniform}(undef, size(𝓁))
for i in eachindex(ℒ)
ℒ[i] = Uniform(𝓁ₗ[i], 𝓁ᵤ[i])
ℛ = Matrix{Uniform}(undef, size(𝓇))
for i in eachindex(ℛ)
ℛ[i] = Uniform(𝓇ₗ[i], 𝓇ᵤ[i])
We will do a large enough number of draws:
draws = 20_000
𝐋 = [rand.(ℒ) for i in 1:draws]
𝐑 = [rand.(ℛ) for i in 1:draws]
There are two pieces of information to keep in mind here. The first is that a RDPG is a matrix multiplication, so we simply need to multiply the 20000 random subspaces, to get 20000 random matrices. The second is that these matrices give results not in {0,1} but in ℝ, but we have estimated an optimal threshold for this projection. Doing all this is a one-liner:
Ns = [(𝐋[i] * 𝐑[i]) .> threshold for i in 1:length(𝐋)]
We can finally generate a probabilistic metaweb, in which the probability is defined as the proprtion of samples in which the interaction was inferred:
P = UnipartiteProbabilisticNetwork(
reduce(.+, Ns) ./ draws, replace.(canadian_rec.tipNames, "_" => " ")
We can have a little look at the interactions sorted by probabilities:
sort(interactions(P); by=(x) -> x.probability, rev=true)
The next figures are very simple plots of the adjacency matrices:
sporder = sortperm(vec(sum(adjacency(P); dims=2)))
h1 = heatmap(
adjacency(P)[sporder, sporder];
size=(500, 500),
sporder = sortperm(vec(sum(adjacency(M); dims=2)))
h2 = heatmap(
adjacency(M)[sporder, sporder];
size=(500, 500),
plot(h2, h1; size=(1000, 500))
We will store the results in a data frame - the information we care about is the probability for the species pair, and whether the pair was also found in Europe, and if so, whether it interacted:
output = DataFrame(; from=String[], to=String[], score=Float64[], pair=Bool[], int=Bool[])
for int in interactions(P)
pair = (int.from in species(M)) & (int.to in species(M))
mint = pair ? M[int.from, int.to] : false
push!(output, (int.from, int.to, int.probability, pair, mint))
sort!(output, [:score, :from, :to]; rev=[true, false, false])
Save the basic network (no corrections)
CSV.write("artifacts/canadian_uncorrected.csv", output)
kout = degree(P; dims=1)
kin = degree(P; dims=2)
ordered_sp = replace.(canadian_rec.tipNames, "_" => " ")
𝓁[:, 1], [kout[s] / richness(P) for s in ordered_sp]; dpi=600, size=(500, 500), lab=""
xaxis!("Position in the left subspace", extrema(vcat(𝓇', 𝓁)))
yaxis!("Probabilistic generality", (0, 1))
𝓇'[:, 1],
[kin[s] / richness(P) for s in ordered_sp];
size=(500, 500),
xaxis!("Position in the right subspace", extrema(vcat(𝓇', 𝓁)))
yaxis!("Probabilistic vulnerability")
We will directly bring knowledge from the European metaweb, meaning that if two species interact in Europe, we assume they also do in Canada (remember, these are metawebs, we only care about the biological feasibility of the interaction); if two species do not interact in Europe, we prevent them from interacting in Canada - this later point could be reversed, by inflating the European metaweb using the simulation results, and whether to apply this step at all can be considered on a case by case basis.
N = copy(P)
shared_species = filter(s -> s in species(M), species(P))
for s1 in shared_species
for s2 in shared_species
N[s1, s2] = M[s1, s2] ? 1.0 : 0.0
We may have introduced a number of 0s in the sparse matrix, and it is good hygiene to remove them.
final = DataFrame(; from=String[], to=String[], score=Float64[])
for int in interactions(N)
push!(final, (int.from, int.to, int.probability))
sort!(final, [:score, :from, :to]; rev=[true, false, false])
Save the corrected network
CSV.write("artifacts/canadian_corrected.csv", final)
l = @layout [
a{0.3w} b
c{0.7h} d
sporder = sortperm(vec(sum(adjacency(N); dims=2)))
plot(; legend=false, axes=false, frame=:none),
heatmap(𝓇[:, sporder]; frame=:none, legend=false, c=:BrBG, clim=(-1, 1)),
heatmap(𝓁[sporder, :]; frame=:none, legend=false, c=:PRGn, clim=(-1, 1)),
heatmap(adjacency(N)[sporder, sporder]; c=:Greys, frame=:none, legend=false);
size=(500, 500),
sporder = sortperm(vec(sum(adjacency(M); dims=2)))
l = @layout [
a{0.3w} b
c{0.7h} d
plot(; legend=false, axes=false, frame=:none),
heatmap(R[:, sporder]; frame=:none, legend=false, c=:BrBG, clim=(-1, 1)),
heatmap(L[sporder, :]; frame=:none, legend=false, c=:PRGn, clim=(-1, 1)),
heatmap(adjacency(M)[sporder, sporder]; c=:Greys, frame=:none, legend=false);
size=(500, 500),
MaxEnt configuration model
a = zeros(Float64, size(adjacency(P)))
C = UnipartiteProbabilisticNetwork(a, EcologicalNetworks._species_objects(P)...)
for s1 in species(P; dims=1), s2 in species(P; dims=2)
C[s1, s2] = 0.5(kout[s1] / richness(P) + kin[s2] / richness(P))
rec = 𝓁[:, 1] * hcat(𝓇'[:, 1]...)
Ceff = adjacency(C)
Cinf = rec
Zeff = (Ceff .- mean(Ceff)) ./ std(Ceff)
Zinf = (Cinf .- mean(Cinf)) ./ std(Cinf)
density(sqrt.(vec(Zeff .- Zinf) .^ 2.0); size=(500, 500), dpi=600, fill=(0, 0.2), lab="")
xaxis!("Mean squared error", (0, 5))
yaxis!("Density", (0, 3))
sporder = sortperm(vec(sum(adjacency(C); dims=2)))
ΔZ = Zeff .- Zinf
ΔZ[sporder, sporder];
clim=(-3, 3),
size=(500, 500),
using DelimitedFiles
using DataFrames
using CSV: CSV
using GBIF
using NCBITaxonomy: NCBITaxonomy
using EcologicalNetworks
We start by reading the Newfoundland food web, and check the names that are mammals. The actual code to read the network looks exactly like the one to read the European metaweb.
sl_raw = readdlm("data/NLfoodweb.csv", ',')
sl_sp = replace.(sl_raw[1, 2:end], "." => " ")
sl_A = Bool.(sl_raw[2:end, 2:end])
Because the original data use a mix of scientific and vernacular names, we are
going to rely on NCBITaxonomy.jl. synonym matching abilities to first get the taxonomic names, and then pass those to GBIF. Please do keep in mind that unless the
NCBITAXONOMY_PATH` environmental variable is set, the raw taxonomy
dump will be stored in the project folder (and this is a rather big file).
scinames = Dict{String,String}()
Note that we do not restrict the name matching to only mammals, as there are non-mammal species in the Newfoundland metaweb.
for s in sl_sp
t = NCBITaxonomy.taxon(s; strict=false)
scinames[s] = t.name
@info "Newfoundland taxon $(s) unmatched on NCBI"
The next step is to get the names from NCBI, and match them to the GBIF backbone. We ended up relying on this two-step solution because using the GBIF name matching directly missed a handful of species, and the Newfoundland dataset is relatively small.
This loop will go through all nodes in the Newfoundland metaweb, match them at the species level, and only return them if they are part of the Mammalia class. There may be a few info messages about unmatched taxa, which are nodes from the original data that are at a higher rank than species.
valnames = Dict{String,String}()
for (s, t) in scinames
gbifmatch = GBIF.taxon(t; strict=false)
if !isnothing(gbifmatch)
if !ismissing(gbifmatch.species)
if gbifmatch.class.first == "Mammalia"
valnames[s] = gbifmatch.species.first
With the two dictionaries, we can get the positions of species from the Newfoundland metaweb that are mammals:
idxmatch = findall(x -> x in keys(valnames), sl_sp)
And we can now assemble the network:
spnames = [valnames[s] for s in sl_sp[idxmatch]]
A = sl_A[idxmatch, idxmatch]'
NL = UnipartiteNetwork(A, spnames)
We finally save the network as a CSV - note that we do not add interactions here, as this will be done as part of the thresholding step, which is the very last in the pipeline.
df = DataFrame(; from=String[], to=String[])
for i in interactions(NL)
push!(df, (i.from, i.to))
CSV.write("artifacts/newfoundland.csv", df)
In this step, we will add the data from Newfoundland, and get the data from the Global Biotic Interactions Database (GLOBI), in order to inflate the predictions made during the t-SVD/RDPG step.
using HTTP
using ProgressMeter
using JSON
using DataFrames
using CSV: CSV
using StatsPlots
There will be some plots, with the same visual aspect as the main text ones.
default(; frame=:box)
GLOBI uses their own types for interactions, which is at best very losely
defined - to clarify, it follows an ontology, but this ontology happens to be
largely disconnected from the concerns of ecologists, and the differences
between a preysOn b
and b preysUpon a
are a great mystery. To solve this
conundrum, we performed a series of manual data searches using some of the
terms related to predation, and picked two that gave the least spurious
_globi_api = "https://api.globalbioticinteractions.org/taxon"
relevant_types = ["eats", "preysOn"]
What we will do next is get the species from the Canadian metaweb (we do not really care for the European metaweb anymore, as it has been embedded and transfered), and see if interactions between any pairs of them exist in GLOBI.
canmet = DataFrame(CSV.File("artifacts/canadian_corrected.csv"))
allsp = unique(vcat(canmet.from, canmet.to))
We will again aggregate everything into a data frame.
diet = DataFrame(; from=String[], to=String[])
Our "paper-thin" GLOBI client is here: it constructs an API query URL based on the name of the taxa, and extract the "meat" from the JSON response.
@showprogress for sp in allsp
url = "$(_globi_api)/$(sp)/eats/"
r = HTTP.request("GET", url)
globidiet = JSON.parse(String(r.body))
if !isempty(globidiet["data"])
for intlist in globidiet["data"]
if intlist[2] in relevant_types
for s in intlist[3]
if s in allsp
if s != sp
push!(diet, (sp, s))
diet = unique(diet)
We now save the GLOBI diet as a CSV file
sort!(diet, [:from, :to])
CSV.write("artifacts/globi_diet.csv", diet)
We now add all GLOBI interactions in the Canadian predicted metaweb, with a probability of 1.
intcode = canmet.from .* canmet.to
diet.intcode = diet.from .* diet.to
We split these interactions for additional examinations as needed, and save as an artifact.
missedint = select(diet[findall([!(d in intcode) for d in diet.intcode]), :], [:from, :to])
sort!(missedint, [:from, :to])
CSV.write("artifacts/globi_newinteractions.csv", missedint)
To get the proportion of validated interactions, we now do the opposite: keep the matched interactions:
matchedint = dropmissing(leftjoin(diet, canmet; on=[:from => :from, :to => :to]))
And we print the proportions:
@info "GLOBI: found $(size(missedint, 1)) new interactions out of $(size(diet, 1))"
@info "GLOBI: $(length(unique(vcat(diet.from, diet.to)))) species"
We now do the same things as above using the Newfoundland data.
canmetsp = unique(vcat(canmet.from, canmet.to))
sl = DataFrame(CSV.File("artifacts/newfoundland.csv"))
slshared = intersect(canmetsp, unique(vcat(sl.from, sl.to)))
slkeep = [(i.from in slshared) & (i.to in slshared) for i in eachrow(sl)]
sl = sl[findall(slkeep), :]
sl.intcode = sl.from .* sl.to
missedslint = select(sl[findall([!(d in intcode) for d in sl.intcode]), :], [:from, :to])
sort!(missedslint, [:from, :to])
CSV.write("artifacts/newfoundland_newinteractions.csv", missedslint)
matchedslint = dropmissing(leftjoin(sl, canmet; on=[:from => :from, :to => :to]))
density(matchedint.score; dpi=600, size=(500, 500), lab="GLOBI", lw=2.0)
density!(matchedslint.score; lab="Newfoundland", lw=2.0)
density!(canmet.score; lw=0.0, fill=(0.2, 0), c=:black, lab="All predictions")
xaxis!("Imputed probability", (0, 1))
yaxis!("Density", (0, 8))
@info "NFLD : found $(size(missedslint, 1)) new interactions out of $(size(sl, 1))"
@info "NFLD : $(length(unique(vcat(sl.from, sl.to)))) species"
We can finally join the different missed interactions from GLOBI and the Newfoundland datasets:
aug = leftjoin(unique(vcat(missedint, missedslint)), canmet; on=[:from, :to])
aug.score .= 1.0
We simply add them to the bottom of the Canadian metaweb, to get the inflated version:
inflated = vcat(canmet, aug)
sort!(inflated, [:score, :from, :to]; rev=[true, false, false])
We are now ready to save this metaweb, which is the penultimate data product of this pipeline:
CSV.write("artifacts/canadian_inflated.csv", inflated)
In the final step, we will remove interactions that have a low probability, by examining different thresholds - these are refered to as "prediction thresholds" in the manuscript.
using SparseArrays
using EcologicalNetworks
using DataFrames
using CSV: CSV
using StatsPlots
default(; frame=:box)
We can load the inflated metaweb, which has all the interactions we predicted plus the ones we collected from GLOBI and the Newfoundland dataset (a little less than 40 interactions).
Mij = DataFrame(CSV.File("artifacts/canadian_inflated.csv"))
Si = unique(vcat(Mij.from, Mij.to))
P = UnipartiteProbabilisticNetwork(zeros(Float64, (length(Si), length(Si))), Si)
for int in eachrow(Mij)
P[int.from, int.to] = int.score
Our technique for cutoff search will be to get 500 intermediate points between the smallest and largest probabilities (resp. 1/n and 1.0), and examine their effect on the network. We will specifically look for the number of non-zero probability interactions, the expected number of interactions, and the number of species with at least one non-zero probability interaction.
ρ = LinRange(extrema(P.edges.nzval)..., 500)
U = zeros(Float64, length(ρ))
L = zeros(Float64, length(ρ))
S = zeros(Float64, length(ρ))
This is calculated in the following loop:
for (i, cutoff) in enumerate(ρ)
kept = P.edges.nzval .≥ cutoff
U[i] = sum(kept) / length(kept)
L[i] = sum(P.edges.nzval[kept]) / links(P)
S[i] = richness(simplify(P ≥ cutoff)) / richness(P)
For reference, we have attempted to find a threshold with the central difference technique to identify the curvative in the link/species relationship, and this gives a threshold that is too low (basically only removing the singleton interactions):
∂U = zeros(Float64, length(U))
∂L = zeros(Float64, length(U))
for i in 2:(length(U) - 1)
∂U[i] = U[i + 1] + U[i - 1] - 2U[i]
∂L[i] = L[i + 1] + L[i - 1] - 2L[i]
Instead, we rely on a visualisation of the relationships, and specifically of the point where we remove as many interactions as possible but still keep all species connected:
plot(ρ, U; dpi=600, size=(500, 500), lab="Non-zero")
plot!(ρ, L; lab="Expected")
xaxis!("Cutoff", (0, 1))
yaxis!("Proportion of links left", (0, 1))
vline!([ρ[findlast(S .== 1)]]; c=:grey, ls=:dash, lab="")
This next plot examines the (lack of an) effect on connectance, which is a fairly obvious result, but still interesting to confirm:
plot(ρ, 1.0 .- S; dpi=600, size=(500, 500), lab="Disconnected species", legend=:topleft)
l = L .* links(P)
s = S .* richness(P)
plot!(ρ, l ./ (s .* s); lab="Connectance")
xaxis!("Cutoff", (0, 1))
yaxis!(" ", (0, 0.5))
vline!([ρ[findlast(S .== 1)]]; c=:grey, ls=:dash, lab="")
Based on the above, we set the prediction threshold at the point where all species remain connected.
thrind = findlast(S .== 1)
@info "Optimal cutoff based on remaining species: $(ρ[thrind])"
@info "Optimal cutoff based on central differences: $(ρ[last(findmax(∂U))])"
We will finally remove all of the thresholded interactions, and this will be the final Canadian metaweb.
K = copy(P)
K.edges[P.edges .< ρ[thrind]] .= 0.0
We now convert the network into a data frame, which we sort by probability and then by species name:
int = DataFrame(; from=String[], to=String[], score=Float64[])
for i in interactions(K)
push!(int, (i.from, i.to, i.probability))
sort!(int, [:score, :from, :to]; rev=[true, false, false])
Finally, we write the really final Canadian metaweb to a file!
CSV.write("artifacts/canadian_thresholded.csv", int)
rls = DataFrame(;
din = degree(K; dims=2)
dinv = degree_var(K; dims=2)
dout = degree(K; dims=1)
doutv = degree_var(K; dims=1)
for s in species(K)
rl = :int
iszero(din[s]) && (rl = :top)
iszero(dout[s]) && (rl = :prd)
push!(rls, (s, dout[s], doutv[s], din[s], dinv[s], rl))
sort!(rls, :gen; rev=true)
CSV.write("artifacts/species_roles.csv", rls)
plot(log1p.(sort(rls.gen; rev=true)); lab="Out-degree", size=(500, 500), dpi=600)
plot!(log1p.(sort(rls.vul; rev=true)); lab="In-degree")
xaxis!("Rank", (0, 180))
yaxis!("log(degree + 1)", (0, 5))