Hotfix v0.10.3
Version 0.10.3
Issue #79 - TypeError: unexpected type 'QSize' (thanks to @luc-j-bourhis)
Moved project to the PlotPyStack organization.
Unit tests: added support for
(60% coverage as of today) -
Issue #74 - TypeError: QwtPlotDict.init() [...] with PySide 6.5.0
Issue #77 - AttributeError: 'XXX' object has no attribute '_QwtPlot__data'
Issue #72 - AttributeError: 'QwtScaleWidget' object has no attribute 'maxMajor' / 'maxMinor' / 'stepSize'
Issue #76 - [PySide] AttributeError: 'QwtPlotCanvas' object has no attribute 'Sunken'
Issue #63 - TypeError: 'PySide2.QtCore.QRect' object is not subscriptable