refactor: Cloud build service invocation #55
Crystal Ameba Results
Total files checked: 50
Issues found: 17
Ameba Version: 1.4.3
Crystal Version: 1.7.0
Check notice on line 18 in src/placeos-build/cli/
github-actions / Ameba
Consider using 'getter?' for 'routes'
Raw output
> getter routes : Bool = false
Check warning on line 124 in src/placeos-build/digest/
github-actions / Ameba
Avoid using `not_nil!`
Raw output
> path = resolve_path(["file"].not_nil!, file_dir)
Check notice on line 94 in src/placeos-build/digest/
github-actions / Ameba
Redundant parentheses
Raw output
> if (requires.empty?)
Check notice on line 60 in src/placeos-build/cli/
github-actions / Ameba
Redundant parentheses
Raw output
> if (path = repository_path)
Check notice on line 93 in src/placeos-build/cli/
github-actions / Ameba
Redundant parentheses
Raw output
> found = if (path = repository_path)
Check notice on line 106 in src/placeos-build/cli/
github-actions / Ameba
Favour method name 'driver?' over 'is_driver?'
Raw output
> protected def self.is_driver?(path : Path)
Check notice on line 26 in src/placeos-build/cli/
github-actions / Ameba
Consider using 'getter?' for 'strict_driver_info'
Raw output
> getter strict_driver_info : Bool = true
Check notice on line 106 in src/placeos-build/digest/
github-actions / Ameba
Consider using 'getter?' for 'verbose'
Raw output
> getter verbose : Bool = false
Check notice on line 29 in src/placeos-build/cli/
github-actions / Ameba
Consider using 'getter?' for 'discover'
Raw output
> [97mgetter discover : Bool = false[0m
Check notice on line 33 in src/placeos-build/
github-actions / Ameba
Consider using 'getter?' for 'version'
Raw output
> getter version : Bool = false
Check notice on line 37 in src/placeos-build/
github-actions / Ameba
Consider using 'getter?' for 'environment'
Raw output
> getter environment : Bool = false
Check warning on line 89 in src/placeos-build/api/
github-actions / Ameba
Missing anonymous block argument. Use `&` as an argument name to indicate yielding method.
Raw output
> protected def query_store
Check notice on line 90 in src/placeos-build/api/
github-actions / Ameba
Redundant parentheses
Raw output
> if (result = yield repository_store)
Check warning on line 335 in src/placeos-build/
github-actions / Ameba
Missing anonymous block argument. Use `&` as an argument name to indicate yielding method.
Raw output
> private def wait_for_compilation(executable : Model::Executable)
Check warning on line 35 in src/placeos-build/
github-actions / Ameba
Missing anonymous block argument. Use `&` as an argument name to indicate yielding method.
Raw output
> def self.client
Check warning on line 45 in src/placeos-build/
github-actions / Ameba
Missing anonymous block argument. Use `&` as an argument name to indicate yielding method.
Raw output
> def self.client(uri : URI, build_version : String = BUILD_VERSION)
Check notice on line 181 in src/placeos-build/driver_store/
github-actions / Ameba
Favour method name 'elf?' over 'is_elf?'
Raw output
> private def is_elf?(io) : Bool