This template configure selenium, behave and pytest that are required to create test scenarios. There is an example of test for pytest, as well as for selenium using page object pattern.
Install docker -
Allow your user to run docker (linux only):
sudo usermod -G docker -a $USER
bin/ tests
If the test pass (green) it means that the test environment is ready.
To run tests from the local environment
You can write tests either in behave or pytest - choose your framework and comment out the one you won't use
in docker/ (line 23,24)
Directory structure:
tests/features/lib/pages -> page object definition
tests/features/lib/pages/ -> if you want to add a new page object definition file, you must also add it to this file
tests/features/steps -> steps definition
tests/features/ -> tests files
If you want to run tests:
bin/ tests --tags=your_tags
Directory structure: tests/ -> tests files
If you want to run tests:
bin/ tests -m your_tags