- 🤗 Happy to help with anything I'm good at
- 📫 How to reach me: Discord PiporGames#6588 or Instagram @piporgames. Not active on Facebook nor Twitter.
- ⚡ Short summary: VB.NET Developer who codes tiny/fun experimental apps for Windows. Hosted 6 Minecraft servers and my own Youtube accnt. Keeping up PiporGames Network since 2013.
- ✏ Mostly fluent in: VB.NET ; Begginer with C++, Python ; Currently learning C, Java, SQL.
- 🌱 Good grasp with Blender.
- 🌍 Languages: Spanish (Castillian), English (UKish, USish)
ES, Extremadura💚🤍🖤
📚 (Currently studying) Software Engineering, UEx 📚 📷 Photographer, Server Owner 📖 🎵 LOVE Orchestral Music and Video Games 🎮 🛐 Minecraft 🛐