Caffe SSD Face Detector Training Script
Caffe-SSD: caffe-ssd you can find at [here])
WiderFace Dataset: you need to download wider_face ,and make sure you place the dataset at correct folder,
├── wider_face_split
├── WIDER_train
└── WIDER_val
Before you start to train, you need to modify some paths in Makefile
wider_dir: the path point to WIDER, e.g. /pathxxx/WIDER
caffe_dir: the path point to caffe-ssd directory, e.g. /pathxxx/caffe-ssd
Make wider face lmdb data
make wider_lmdb
Train face detector
make train
Test on images
python scripts/ model/yufacedetectnet-open-v2.prototxt model/ssdfacedet_iter_9000.caffemodel image/
note: yufacedetectnet-open-v2.prototxt is design for detecting 35x35 min_face_size in 1080P
There are two respositories this project reference to
model: libfacedetection
script: MobilenetSSDFace