Picks-and-Shovels FarmWorld ML Part Repository
- Python 3.11
- Tensorflow 2.13.0
- Plant Disease Detection
- Plant disease detection determines pests and diseases through photos of the user's plant leaves and even suggests solutions for the pests.
- Open Dataset and API
- Using Kaggle Plant Village Dataset (https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/abdallahalidev/plantvillage-dataset)
- Generate plant disease solutions answers using Google Gemini (https://gemini.google.com/app)
- Post and crop recommendations for users
- "recommendation" recommends crops for the user and articles that may be helpful for urban agriculture.
- Reference
- clone this repository
- run setup.sh to install requirements.txt
- download pre-trained model in disease_detection directory
- unzip archive.zip in this directory
- run disease_detection/pred.py with img_url to argv[1]
- python3.11 disease_detection/pred.py "your_img_url"
- then result will print in console (sentences)
- run recommendation/recommend_crop.py with userId to argv[1]
- python3.11 recommendation/recommend_crop.py 0
- then result will print in console (crop_name or cropId)
- run recommendation/recommend_post.py with userId to argv[1]
- python3.11 recommendation/recommend_post.py 0
- then result will print in console (boardId)