RestApi for microservice Task. This was made for AMT course at HEIG-VD.
With this microservice you can create tasks to execute, and all the Stages of this task. This microservice gives you 4 endpoints.
- OneTask : Allows you to get/delete/post some tasks, one at the time.
- OneStage : Allows you to get/delete/post some stages, at a given position and for a given task
- Stages : Allows you to get list of all Stages of given task
- Tasks : Allows you to get list of all Tasks
Start by cloning the repository. Then in /docker-images/microservice launch the script " This will create a jar from the sources files. Make sur you have docker installed in your machine, and that it is running, then go to topology-amt folder and launch the following commandline : docker-compose up --build The documentation of your api is at : http://localhost:8080/api
Start the microservice if you have having issues with the first method (problem with mysql docker's image)
You have to install mysql in your PC, and launch a connection.Then open the spring project with intellj or an other ide, and run the Springboot project
If you want to launch the tests make sur the springboot project has been launch and that mysql is running, then go to swagger/tasks-specs and run the command mvn test (make sur you have mvn installed on your PC)
Create a stage at given position for the task n° numTask. If an other stage already has this position, it would be switched forward
get the list of stages of task n° numTask
Let you delete the stage n° "numStage" of the task n° "numTask"
Return the wanted stage of Task n° numTask
create a new task
get the list of all tasks
delete the task n° numTask
get the task n° numTask
- Kevin Moreira []