Emmanuel Schmid
Anastasia Zharkova
Ibrahim Ounon
Thuy-My Tran
We have to produce a kit of reusable micro-services containing different parts ( users, emails, discussion, survey, status ). Our groupe is responsible for discussion micro-service wich should be coordinate later with other groupes.
InteliJ (Java)
In order to run our micro-service you should have a docker installed on your computer.
First of all, you type this command
$ docker-compose up
The you have to start the project server and run it.
We have a notion of discussion and comment. A discussion has un id (authomatically increase integer)ad his name (string) Each comment has an unique id of discussion to which this comment is allows (integer), an id of the comment, and its name (string). As we can see the only difference between a comment and a discussion is a belonging to a discussion. If we compare it to a thread, a discussion is a father and a comment is it's child, if there is a child without a father its going to become a father (discussion in our case). It's possible to :
- create a discussion (one per article)
- show a discussion (all comments of this discussion)
- show all discussions
- delete a discussion (with all comments if existed)
- delete all discussion
- create a comment
- show a particular comment
- delete a particular comment
- modify a comment
- show a list of all comment of this discussions
- delete all comments in a discussion
- vote for a comment
- report a comment
Only authetificated users can create a comment or/and discussion, if the user is not authentificated he will receive an error message saying that he cannot create a discussion/comment ( no redirection to authentification page). Only one discussion is allow by article, if a user tries to create a nes discussion for an article which has already a discusion, user will receive an error message. When a user creates a discussion, he must put ID of the article to which this discussion will be related. If this ID is a negatif value or missed (null value), user will recieve bad request error. It's impossible at this stage to verify if this Id Article exists, so the re is no verification for this, we must to have access to article database in this case.
Only authetificated users can delete a comment or/and discussion, if the user is not authentificated he will receive an error message saying that he cannot delete a discussion/comment ( no redirection to authentification page). When user deletes a discussion (only the autour of the discussion) , it means what every single child is deleted as well (cascade). We applied the same logic when user wants to delete a comment, all of its child will be deleted as well (all of responses to this comment, vote and report will be deleted as well). This operation is irreversible, once the user says he wants to delete the item (discussion or comment) it's deleted from a database, it's impossible to undo this operation. There is no message asking if the user is sure to delete the item, so if it was a missclick there is no way to correct this error.
Only authetificated users can report a comment, if the user is not authentificated he will receive an error message saying that he cannot report a comment ( no redirection to authentification page). It's impossible to report a discussion, this operation is valid only for comments. User must be authentificated as well in order to proceed. The user can report as much comments he wants to, but he can report only once the same comment, he cannot undo this operation. One comment can be repoted by many users.
Only authetificated users can vote for a comment, if the user is not authentificated he will receive an error message saying that he cannot vote for this comment ( no redirection to authentification page). Only comment can be voted, this property is a boolean ( true = +1, false = -1). It's not possible to do getVote in order to see who voted +1 et who -1, but it's possible to do "getComment* and see this information. It's impossible to undo the vote, neither change the vote, once user said +1 it stays like this.
Only authetificated users AND the authot of this comment can update it if the user is not authentificated or/and not the author of this comment he will receive an error message saying that he cannot update it ( no redirection to authentification page). Impossible to update a discusion.
Unauthentificated users can only read discussions and comments.
Once our system is operational, we added a notion of user. We distinguishe standard user and use author (discussion and comment).
User | User Autor | |
vote comment | yes | yes |
delete comment | no | yes |
modify comment | no | yes |
In order to run all tests and verify good functionning of our micro-service, it's possible to run the test (related to ours micro-service and interaction with user micro-service). There is a project e2e-specs which has to be open witj InteliJ and run simply run all of tests.
- In the file pom.xml there is some modification to do if you don't use docker-machine
otherwise you can replace localhost with IP adr: