- Load Images in by creating a DICOM series and turning it into a volume.
- In Segment Editor, create a skin and ROI segment.
- Select the DICOM series's volume as the Master Volume.
- Add a new segment, called Skin.
- Threshold segment the majority of the scan, invert, keep largest island, median smoothing, invert; finally remove any excess areas manually.
- Add a new segment, called ROI.
- Manually segment or use level tracing and then manually clean the ROI (tumour / SDH, etc).
- Import the atlasMask (as LabelMap) and atlasImage into Slicer as volumes.
- Open Swiss Skull Stripper, select the DICOM series's volume as your input, create your output volume and mask as LabelMapVolumes, set the atlasMash and atlmasImage as the Atlas.
- Click apply and run the Skull Stripper.
- In Data, Convert Brain LabelMapVolume to Segmentation, then to a model. Then export ROI and Skin to models.
- In Surface Toolbox, decimate Skin, Brain and ROI to 0.6.
- Place a set of fiducial markers on tip of nose, and corners of each eye.
- Export models as OBJ and markers as CSV.
TBD When we have CT images to confirm workflow.
- Ensure file size of all exported models is under ~1MB so they can be loaded quickly by the PatientManager
- Create .xml as per the example template in SDH_Demo
- Create folder on desktop containing all exported models and .xml
- Access the HoloLens Device Portal on the desktop
- Go to File explorer then AppData/HoloQuickNav2/LocalState/PatientData and select the corresponding folder for the patient
- Folders within PatientData are created by the script FileBrowser.cs
- This script can be edited to create additional patient folders and the app can then be redeployed from Unity
- In the future, these folders will be created automatically once the .xml is read from Slicer over the OpenIGTLink connection
- Upload all .obj files and the .xml file into the patient's folder on the Device Portal
- Load patient models for registration by selecting the patient's folder in the PatientManager scene in HoloQuickNav
Outdated - Use PatientManager setup for new patients
- Drag and drop the exported models and markers into HoloQuickNav > Models > Anatomy > (New Folder Name)
- In WorldAnchor > Model > Layers, delete previous models, replace with the exported models (Make sure to rename Skin model "Skin" if not already).
- Change the scale of all models to 0.001 in X Y and Z.
- In HoloQuickNav > Models > Anatomy > Materials, and place the materials for each model onto its respective model.
- In Controls > Home, drag and drop ROI and Brain into the Missing Objects of the Turn On Layers Script. Change the function for each of the objects as GameObject > SetActive(bool)
- In InputManager > QuickNavManager > LocationValues, drag and drop the exported markers into Location Values 'CSV Markers' field.
- In File > Build Settings, click Build and make sure that the build directory is UWP.
- Once the vs solution is built, open it and make sure that the build is in Release and on x86 architecture..
- Click Build > Deploy Solution.
- If the Hololens IP address changes, you can modify it in Project > HoloQuickNav2 Properties > Debug > Remote Machine.