This repository contains code used to generate model inputs and run the microsimulation model presented in the manuscript titled: "Development of a microsimulation model to project the future prevalence of childhood cancer in Ontario, Canada". [Under review at Medical Decision Making]
The pediatric oncology microsimulation model for prevalence (POSIM-Prev) is a population-based, open-cohort model that simulates incident cases of childhood cancer diagnosed between 1970 and 2040 to provide estimates and projections of incidence, survival, and limited-duration prevalence for Ontario, Canada.
Code to run the model, and scenario analyses, is provided in the POSIM-prev/Analysis folder. Other folders hold code used to generate model inputs (POSIM-prev/data-raw), functions (POSIM-prev/R), and inputs required to run the model (POSIM-prev/data).
Results from the POSIM-prev model are also accessible through an R Shiny app (