Facebook album app is web application that uses facebook js sdk to fetch user album and show the photo inside album. The UI of this app is built with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery.
##Features of Facebook Album App
- Pull album list from FB
- Album Slideshow (in full-screen mode)
- Download album in zip folder
- Download Selected Album
- Download ALL album
- Move album to Picasa/Google+ account
- Move Selected and Move ALL
- Responsive Design
- Uses Ajax as single page design.
- Mobile Optimized for Touch Events.
- facebook-php-sdk - Facebook SDK for PHP to integrate with Facebook, help build engaging social apps.
- Zend_Gdata - Zend Google Data APIs provide programmatic interface to some of Google's online services.
- Foundation 5 - The advanced responsive front-end framework, it is the professional choice for designers, developers and teams..
- MetroJS - Metro JS is a plugin for jQuery written in Javascript to help make Metro interfaces on the web.
- MaxImage - Maximage2 is a fullscreen background slideshow plugin that uses jQuery Cycle.
- toastr - Simple javascript toast notifications.
- blockUI - The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX.
you can find the demo of this app here.