Originally Developed By PlayBy, Modified by Endless Hosting and B3CKDOOR and myself PLASMA_chicken
Discord-LiveBot allows you to take control of your Discord bot using a client-like interface.
At the moment, LiveBot is still in alpha stage. To run it, open a terminal window in the main directory, then type npm test
LiveBot is a program built with electron and discord.js, that will allow you to have discord controlling a bot. You are able to view messages in channels, send messages, interact with people, and see what is going on in the servers your bot is in. LiveBot will also work with a user account as well, so you are not just limited to bots.
LiveBot had been built to copy discord, and while it is not exact, it is pretty close. More additions will come soon, so just be patient, but feel free to recommend any addition, just create an issue!
- Clone this Repo
- run
cd Discord-LiveBot && npm i
- to test it run
npm test
If it doesn't work, install electron using npm i electron
The Updated sidebar allows you to change either your game or status!
Not very useful, but hey! It's here!
This box is how you log into a profile. To log into a token by default, put it into this box then press the save button. Otherwise if you are just logging into a token just for a look, input the token into the box then press enter
Akira is the livebot version of Discord's Clyde. Except Akira works like an actual Bot! Just use the prefix /
. Only you can see what Akira says, so don't worry about interfering with any conversations.
The profile card is able to tell you the username, the avatar image, the discriminator, and something discord does not have. The profile card will tell you if the account you are signed into is a bot or a user. This can be handy if you are not quite sure.
The guild card gives a little more information than the basic discord 'name of the guild'. The guild card shows you the name of the guild, the guild icon, and how many users are in the guild.
This project's color is Velgenta, of the hex #C13281. The mascot of the project is the Kiwi bird, the assets for the icons can be found in the images folder.
While we do support MacOS and this App even runs on it, our Focus is mainly on Windows.
Planned features can be seen here