Version 0.6.0
This release marked the implementation of background in slide, and the bugfix for opening PPTX on Mac.
- Documentation : Fixes in the rename of PHPPowerPoint - @Progi1984 GH-127
- ODPresentation : Exclude SVM files for reader - @Progi1984 GH-141
- PowerPoint2007 Writer : Bugfix for opening PPTX on Mac - @thsteinmetz GH-89
- PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\getProperties has been deprecated for PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\getDocumentProperties - @Progi1984 GH-154
- PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\setProperties has been deprecated for PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\setDocumentProperties - @Progi1984 GH-154
- PhpOffice\PhpPowerpoint\Style\Alignment::setLevel can now be defined great than 8 - @Progi1984 GH-141
- ODPresentation Reader/Writer : Name of the slide - @Progi1984 GH-121
- ODPresentation Reader/Writer : Slide Background Color or Image - @Progi1984 GH-152
- PowerPoint2007 Reader : Support for Layout Name - @Progi1984 GH-144
- PowerPoint2007 Reader/Writer : Mark as final - @Progi1984 GH-118
- PowerPoint2007 Reader/Writer : Set default zoom value for presentation - @Progi1984 GH-122
- PowerPoint2007 Reader/Writer : Slide Background Color or Image - @Progi1984 GH-152
- PowerPoint2007 Reader/Writer : Add Properties for allowing loop continuously until 'Esc' - @Progi1984 GH-154