- Use theTVDB.com to identify the show and episode that is being searched. This massively improves search results and parsing/detection of correct episodes
- Fixed app starting on port 8080 instead of 5007 if not specified in docker compose
- Cache requests to mediathekviewweb for 10 minutes
- TV Shows in Sonarr will work both in standard and daily mode.
- Many bugfixes
- (0.2.1) Fix instant crash on many systems
- (0.2.2) Fix tvdb episode matching not working if Mediathek has different episode numbering than TVDB
It might take up to 7 days until the tvdb matching is working due to Sonarr/Radarr caching indexer capabilities.
If you want to have it immediately you need to:
- Remove the MediathekArr Indexer from Prowlarr(if you have it), Sonarr and Radarr
- Restart Prowlarr(if you have it), Sonarr and Radarr
- Add the indexer again
This is a one time thing and should never be needed again.
TV Shows should work well now (if not please create an issue).
If you have problems with movies (which is likely) I'm looking for examples that are not being found/identified by Radarr but are available on mediathekviewweb.de
If you have problems with MediathekArr you can also get help on our Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/pZrrMcJMQM