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Public version of the Fittle Research Platform


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Fittle is a mobile app and cloud-based server for running health behavior change studies. Studies challenge participants to do different healthy activities over some number of days and weeks. For more information see doc/FittleIntro.pdf.

Github Public Release

We are releasing Fittle using There are two main branches of this code.

Branch Purpose
master Main branch of the Fittle Source Code to be used on smartphones
silver A variant designed with a slightly different user interface to be used on tablets by an older population

Repository Structure

Folder Purpose
app/ Meteor app. All files needed to run the app must be stored within this folder.
artwork/ Source files for Fittle artwork (e.g., icons, splashscreens).
keys/ Original keys and certificates used throughout the project for push notifications, self-signing Android releases, etc. Additional copies can be made and stored elsewhere as appropriate (e.g., for push notifications).
release/ Current Google Play and App Store assets, including the current native Android (APK) and iOS (IPA) production releases and screenshots.
tools/ Automation tools (e.g., script for creating native builds, deploying to Galaxy).

Further Documentation

File Purpose
'' Introducing Fittle
app/ Overview of the Fittle App
app/i18n/ Node Internationalization data
app/imports/ Third-party meteor software and helpers
app/lib/ Shared Meteor Client/Server components
app/packages/ Meteor package repository, not currently used
app/private/ Meteor Server-specfic data
app/public/ Meteor Web content accessible to Meteor Client
app/resources/ Meteor App deployment assets
app/server/ Fittle Server overview
app/server/methods/ Meteor Methods overview
app/server/notifications/ Notes about Push Notifications
app/server/service_api/ Notes about Coaching agent Application Programming Interface
app/shell/ Study specific management tools
artwork/ Artifacts used in deployments to App stores
design/ Miscellaneous design artifacts
design/challenges/ Notes about early challenge designs
design/ Notes about possible coach agent designs
developed_packages/ Study specific Meteor package requirements - Deprecated
doc/ Documentation about Fittle
doc/ Notes about copyright used
doc/ Notes about Fittle Content development
doc/ Notes about deprecations
doc/ Notes about
doc/ Notes about private information handling
doc/ Notes about Amazon S3 service use
doc/ Notes about app/private/agents.json usage
doc/ Notes about specific deployment issues
doc/ Notes about event logging
doc/ Miscellaneous notes about Fittle
keys/ Security keys/certificates used in deployments
release/ Release artifacts such as App store items
tools/ Tools used in Fittle development and deployment


For localhost installation:

meteor npm install
meteor run --settings=settings.json

and follow the instructions given during the installation (e.g., meteor add <package-name>)


See the various other files to explain aspects of configuring the system.

*  © [2018] PARC Inc., A Xerox Company
*  All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE:  All information contained herein is, and remains
* the property of Xerox Corporation.
* The intellectual and technical concepts contained
* herein are proprietary to PARC Inc. and Xerox Corp.,
* and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents,
* patents in process, and may be protected by copyright law.
* This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
* file '', which is part of this source code package.


Source Code, Non-Commercial Use Permitted under the following conditions

This software is licensed under the Aladdin Free Public License. A quick summary of this license is that you CAN Modify and Distribute, you CANNOT Hold Liable, Sublicense, Place Warranty, or Use Comercially, and you MUST Include License, Include Original Code, and State Your Changes.

Content, not code, Non-Commercial Use Permitted under the following conditions

The non-code content in this repository is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). A quick summary of this license is that you ARE FREE to Share and Adapt PROVIDED that you Provide Attribution, Use Non-Commercially, and Share Alike.

For those interested in Commercial Use, please contact PARC, Inc. by email at [email protected]


Public version of the Fittle Research Platform







No releases published


No packages published