This is a game created for #JanJam17!
Built with 💘 and 🍕 in Oxford by @edent @jlokier @qualiaa @THK123 @nickdbrett.
CaveTeam is a collaborative game. The aim is to work together as a CAVE TEAM to escape the DANGEROUS CAVE while avoiding the DEADLY SLIME!
- Collaborative - play as a team.
- Simple rules - learn in 5 minutes.
- Roguelike - your team may get wiped out quickly.
- Quick - games typically take 20 minutes.
- Infinite combination of boards - generate new ones instantly.
- Variable difficulty - once you've played a few times, you can make the game harder or easier.
- Play takes place on a Hexagonal Grid.
- Players are attemping to reach the Cave Exit.
- The Threshold is (Number of Players * 3).
- Each cave tile has a difficulty score.
- Once a tile has been cleared, its difficulty score becomes 0.
- All players start on the starting tile.
- Optional: The player may move to any adjacent clear path tile without rolling the dice.
- The player must then attempt to move to another adjacent tile - which can be a clear path or a numbered tile.
- The player rolls the dice. Regardless of whether the tile they want to move to is clear or not.
- If the score on the dice is greater than the score on the tile - the way is clear!
- Place a clear path token on the tile, and move the player onto the tile.
- If the score on the dice is lower or equal than the score on the tile - the way is blocked!
- Place a blocked path token on the tile. No one can land on this tile.
- It is now the next player's turn.
- Some tiles are impossible for a single player to clear.
- A player may ask a group of players for assistance.
- The player may only ask others who are adjacent to the tile they wish to attempt.
- The player must say in advance how many of the others are going to assist them.
- Other players may refuse to assist. This may incur real-world ramifications.
- Each player then rolls the dice.
- If the total of all the rolls are greater than the score of the tile, the way is clear!
- Place a clear token on the tile.
- The lead player moves onto the tile, all their assistants stay in place.
- If the total of all the rolls are less than or equal to to score of the tile, the way is blocked!
- Place a blocked path token on the tile.
- If the total of all the rolls are greater than the score of the tile, the way is clear!
- Every roll of the dice, add the value of the roll to the Slime Score!
- If the Slime Score reaches or exceeds the threshold, it is time to roll the Slime Dice!
- Any tile which is adjacent to the Slime and matches the number on the Slime Dice now becomes slime!
- The slime will spread to all adjoining groups of tiles which have that number.
- If the slime is adjacent to a clear path it will occupy the tile - no matter which number is rolled.
- If the slime touches a player, they are out of the game!
- Remove their character from the board and mourn their loss.
- Once the slime dice has been rolled, the Slime Score resets to 0.
- In order to escape, a group of players must be adjacent to the Escape tile.
- The group of players must roll over the Threshold.
- Any player who takes part in the group roll will escape.
- Any players who do not take part in the group roll must continue play.
- You may choose to sacrifice some players in order to make your escape. This may incur real-world ramifications.
- The youngest player goes first.
- Players may not pass.
- Multiple players can occupy the same tile.
- Slime cannot occupy a blocked path. Hint! This could be a useful tactic.
- Players are expected to confer with each other on tactics. Players may ignore others' suggestions.
On some boards, you may die very quickly. Some may be impossible to complete. Some will be completed quickly and easily. Here are some tips to vary the difficulty for experienced players.
- Increase the board size.
- Multiple slime tiles.
- Roll the Slime Dice multiple times.
- Decrease the Threshold.
- Remove the optional free move.
You can play with any player tokens you like.
We recommend the Low Poly Fantasy Tabletop set.