- FALCOZ Alban : SA (Software Architect)
- GALLI Evan : QA (Quality Assurance Engineer)
- GRIPARI Alexandre : Ops (Continuous Integration and Repository Manager)
- LASSAUNIERE Théo : PO (Product Owner)
[US] Make an order inside a group order #26 :
- As a Client
- I want to be able to make an order while being in a group order
- So that I can enjoy meals with my friends
Requirements :
- Java 21
- Maven
git clone https://github.com/PNS-Conception/STE-24-25--teamc.git
cd STE-24-25--teamc
mvn clean test
The project is divided into 5 different packages :
- order : The classes related to the order feature. The SingleOrder class represents a single order made by a user while the GroupOrder class represents a group order, which contains multiple SingleOrder. They both inherit from the Order and Saleable interfaces, and every order has an Address and a Status.
- restaurant : The classes related to the restaurant feature. It contains the class MenuItem, which represents a single item on the menu of a Restaurant. Schedules represents the time when users can take order from a restaurant.
- user : The classes that help to represent all the users. The main classes are Role, which represents the different users of our platform, and User, which has a name, an userId and a role.
- discounts : The classes related to the discounts feature. The Discount class represents a discount that can be applied to an order. It has options, criteria and discounts, and it's build with a DiscountBuilder.
- payment : The classes related to the payment feature. The PaymentSystem should call an external payment system to validate the payment.
See the doc folder.