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redesitgne tree/ds-project nmethods
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VanyaBelyaev committed Jul 26, 2024
1 parent 487ac0a commit 3ec6a49
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Showing 11 changed files with 574 additions and 375 deletions.
244 changes: 108 additions & 136 deletions ostap/fitting/
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Expand Up @@ -824,165 +824,137 @@ def _rds_make_unique_ ( dataset ,
# >>> dataset.project ( h1 , 'm', 'chi2<10' ) ## use histo
# @endcode
# @attention For 2D&3D cases if varibales specifed as singel string, the order is Z,Y,X,
# Otherwide the natural order is used.
# @see RooDataSet
# @author Vanya BELYAEV [email protected]
# @date 2013-07-06
def ds_project ( dataset , histo , what , cuts = '' , first = 0 , last = -1 , progress = False ) :
def ds_project ( dataset ,
histo ,
what ,
cuts = '' ,
cut_range = '' ,
first = 0 ,
last = None ,
progress = False ) :
"""Helper project method for RooDataSet/DataFrame/... and similar objects
>>> h1 = ROOT.TH1D(... )
>>> dataset.project ( h1.GetName() , 'm', 'chi2<10' ) ## project variable into histo
>>> h1 = ROOT.TH1D(... )
>>> dataset.project ( h1 , 'm', 'chi2<10' ) ## use histo
- For 2D&3D cases if variables specifed as singel string, the order is Z,Y,X,
- Otherwide the natural order is used.

target = histo

## input historgam?
## 1) redirect to approproate methods
if isinstance ( dataset , ROOT.TTree ) :
assert not cut_range, "ds_project(tree,...) cannot be used with cut_range %s" % cut_range
from ostap.trees.trees import tree_project
return tree_project ( datatet , histo ,
what = what ,
cuts = cuts ,
first = first ,
last = last )

## 2) if the histogram is specified by the name, try to locate it ROOT memory
if isinstance ( histo , string_types ) :
hname = histo
groot = ROOT.ROOT.GetROOT()
h = groot.FindObject ( hname )
assert h , 'Cannot get locate histo by name %s' % histos
assert isinstance ( h , ROOT.TH1 ) , 'the object %s i snot ROOT.TH1' % type ( h )
histo = h

target = histo

## input historgam?
input_histo = isinstance ( target , ROOT.TH1 )

from ostap.trees.param import ( param_types_1D , param_types_2D ,
param_types_3D , param_types_4D )
assert input_histo or \
isinstance ( target , param_types_1D ) or \
isinstance ( target , param_types_2D ) or \
isinstance ( target , param_types_3D ) or \
isinstance ( target , param_types_4D ) , "Invalid type of 'histo/target' %s" % type ( histo )
from ostap.trees.param import param_types_nD
assert input_histo or isinstance ( target , param_types_nD ) , 'Invalid target/histo type %s' % type ( target )

## reset targer
if input_histo : target.Reset()
else : target *= 0.0
## (4) dimension of the target
dim = target.dim ()
assert 1 <= dim <= 4 , 'Invalid dimension of target: %s' % dim

## (5) parse input expressions
varlst, cuts, input_string = vars_and_cuts ( what , cuts )

print ( 'VARIABLES/1', varlst, cuts )
nvars = len ( varlst )
assert ( 1 == dim and dim <= nvars ) or dim == nvars , \
'Mismatch between the target/histo dimension %d and input variables %s' % ( dim , varlst )

print ( 'PROJECT-7' )

if isinstance ( histo , ROOT.TProfile2D ) :
logger.error ('ds_project: TProfile2D is not (yet) supported')
return histo
elif isinstance ( histo , ROOT.TProfile ) :
logger.error ('ds_project: TProfile is not (yet) supported')
return histo

assert not cuts or \
isinstance ( cuts , string_types ) or \
isinstance ( cuts , ROOT.RooAbsReal ) or \
isinstance ( cuts , ROOT.TCut ) , \
"Invalid 'cuts' %s" % type ( cuts )

if isinstance ( dataset , ROOT.RooAbsData ) :

first = max ( first , 0 )
nevents = len ( dataset )
last = nevents if last < 0 else min ( nevents , last )

if last <= first or nevents <= first : return histo ## NO ACTION
events = first , last

## 3) adjust the first/last
length = len ( dataset )
if not last : last = length + 1
elif last < 0 : last += length
if first < 0 : first += length
assert 0 <= first <= last , 'Invalid first/last setting %s/^s' % ( first , last )
tail = cuts , cut_range , first , last
else :
assert not cut_range , 'cut-range is not allowed!'
logger.warning ( 'ds_project(%s): ignored first/last %s/%s ' % ( type ( dataset ) , first , last ) )
from ostap.frames.frames import as_rnode
frame = as_rnode ( dataset )
dataset = frame
tail = ()

if 0 != first or 0 < last :
logger.warning ( "ds_project: 'first' and 'last' arguments (%s/%s) are ignored " % ( first , last ) )
events = ()

if isinstance ( cuts , str ) : cuts = cuts.strip()
if isinstance ( what , str ) : what = what.strip()
args = ( target , ) + varlst + tail

## copy/clone the target
def target_copy ( t ) : return t.Clone() if isinstance ( t , ROOT.TH1 ) else type ( t ) ( t )
## reset the target
def target_reset ( t ) :
if isinstance ( t , ROOT.TH1 ) : t.Reset()
else : t *= 0.0
return t

tail = first , last , progress
## reset the target
target = target_reset ( target )

if isinstance ( what , string_types ) :

## ATTENTION reverse here!
what = tuple ( reversed ( [ v.strip() for v in split_string ( what , var_separators , strip = True , respect_groups = True ) ] ) )
return ds_project ( dataset , histo , what , cuts , *events , progress = progress )
from ostap.utils.progress_conf import progress_conf

elif isinstance ( what , ROOT.RooArgList ) and isinstance ( dataset , ROOT.RooAbsData ) :

what = tuple ( v for v in what )
return ds_project ( dataset , histo , what , cuts , *events , progress = progress )

assert isinstance ( what , list_types ) and what , "ds_project: invalid 'what' %s" % what

if input_histo : hdim = target.dim()
elif isinstance ( target , param_types_1D ) : hdim = 1
elif isinstance ( target , param_types_2D ) : hdim = 2
elif isinstance ( target , param_types_3D ) : hdim = 3
elif isinstance ( target , param_types_4D ) : hdim = 4

assert len ( what ) == hdim or ( 1 == hdim and hdim < len ( what ) ) , \
"ds_project: invalid 'what' %s" % what

ok1 = all ( isinstance ( v , string_types ) for v in what )
ok2 = all ( isinstance ( v , ROOT.RooAbsReal ) for v in what )

assert ok1 or ok2 , "ds_project: Invalid 'what': %s/%s " % ( type ( what ) , what )

what = tuple ( what )

if ok2 : ## need to have RooFit version of cuts
if not cuts : vcuts = ROOT.nullptr
elif isinstance ( cuts , ROOT.RoOAbsReal ) : vcuts = cuts
else : vcuts = make_formula ( cuts , cuts , dataset.get() )

cuts = vcuts

## special treatment for 1D histograms: several variables are summed/projected together
if 1 == hdim and input_histo and isinstance ( histo , ROOT.TH1 ) and hdim < len ( what ) :
htmp = histo.clone()
for w in what :
htmp = ds_project ( dataset ,
histo = htmp ,
what = w ,
cuts = cuts ,
first = first ,
last = last ,
progress = progress )
histo += htmp
del htmp
if isinstance ( histo , ROOT.TProfile2D ) :
logger.error ('ds_project: TProfile2D is not (yet) supported')
return histo
elif isinstance ( histo , ROOT.TProfile ) :
logger.error ('ds_project: TProfile is not (yet) supported')
return histo
elif 1 == hdim and hdim < len ( what ) :
tobj = type ( target )
htmp = tobj ( target )
for w in what :
htmp = ds_project ( dataset ,
histo = htmp ,
what = w ,
cuts = cuts ,
first = first ,
last = last ,
progress = progress )
target += htmp
del htmp
return target

args = ( target , ) + what + ( cuts , ) + events

from ostap.utils.progress_conf import progress_conf

## finally fill the histograms
if 4 == hdim :
if progress : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project4 ( dataset , progress_conf () , *args )
else : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project4 ( dataset , *args )
if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project3 %s" % sc )
elif 3 == hdim :
if progress : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project3 ( dataset , progress_conf () , *args )
else : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project3 ( dataset , *args )
if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project3 %s" % sc )
elif 2 == hdim :
if progress : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project2 ( dataset , progress_conf () , *args )
else : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project2 ( dataset , *args )
if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project3 %s" % sc )
elif 1 == hdim :

## very special case of projection several expressions into the same target
if 1 == dim and dim < nvars :
## very special case of projection several expressions into the same target
htmp = target_copy ( target ) ## prepare temporary object
for var in varlst :
htmp = target_reset ( htmp ) ## rest the temporary object
args = ( htmp , var ) + tail
if progress : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project ( dataset , progress_conf () , *args )
else : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project ( dataset , *args )
if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project %s" % sc )
## update results
target += htmp
del htmp
elif 1 == dim :
if progress : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project ( dataset , progress_conf () , *args )
else : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project ( dataset , *args )
if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project3 %s" % sc )

if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project %s" % sc )
elif 2 == dim :
if progress : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project2 ( dataset , progress_conf () , *args )
else : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project2 ( dataset , *args )
if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project2 %s" % sc )
elif 3 == dim :
if progress : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project3 ( dataset , progress_conf () , *args )
else : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project3 ( dataset , *args )
if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project2 %s" % sc )
elif 4 == dim :
if progress : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project4 ( dataset , progress_conf () , *args )
else : sc = Ostap.HistoProject.project4 ( dataset , *args )
if not sc.isSuccess() : logger.error ( "Error from Ostap.HistoProject.project2 %s" % sc )

return target if sc.isSuccess() else None

# =============================================================================
Expand Down
12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions ostap/trees/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,10 +16,11 @@
__date__ = "2011-06-07"
__all__ = (
'param_types_1D' , ## list of valid 1D-types for parameterisation
'param_types_2D' , ## list of valid 1D-types for parameterisation
'param_types_3D' , ## list of valid 1D-types for parameterisation
'param_types_4D' , ## list of valid 1D-types for parameterisation
'param_types_2D' , ## list of valid 2D-types for parameterisation
'param_types_3D' , ## list of valid 3D-types for parameterisation
'param_types_4D' , ## list of valid 4D-types for parameterisation
'param_types_nD' , ## all types for parameterisation
# =============================================================================
from ostap.core.core import Ostap
import ostap.math.models
Expand All @@ -38,7 +39,8 @@
param_types_1D = Ostap.Math.LegendreSum , Ostap.Math.Bernstein , Ostap.Math.ChebyshevSum
param_types_2D = Ostap.Math.LegendreSum2 , Ostap.Math.Bernstein2D ,
param_types_3D = Ostap.Math.LegendreSum3 , Ostap.Math.Bernstein3D ,
param_types_4D = Ostap.Math.LegendreSum4 ,
param_types_4D = Ostap.Math.LegendreSum4 ,
param_types_nD = param_types_1D + param_types_2D + param_types_3D + param_types_4D
# =============================================================================
## parameterize 1D unbinned distribution from TTree in terms of
# Legendre/chebyshev/Bernstein sums
Expand Down

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