A desk fan that automatically turns on according to humidity and temperature. Made with Arduino Uno. Yes I recycled an old pocky box to make the stand for the fan, mechanical engineering is not my thing. I decided not to set it up on a high stand to avoid it taking up much space. It's my first project so the wiring isn't the cleanest.
By clasping the sensor, it increases the humidity around it and therefore the detected value. The code is set so the fan automatically runs when it is over 55. When the humidity drops to 55 or below, the fan automatically stops.
The code was set so the fan automatically runs when the temperature is above 25. I had no way of manipulating temperature, so I instead show it automatically turning on when it runs and detects that the temperature is 26°C.
I used a DHT11 module instead of a TMP, however since Tinkercad didn't have it I placed a TMP on the diagram instead. The DHT11 module only has 3 pins versus the typical DHT11 where one had to have a resistor in series, so I didn't need any resistors. Most DHT11 modules I have seen online tend to have the pins as (VCC, DATA, GND)
however mine was (DATA, VCC, GND)
Connected everything's VCC in parallel as per usual.
I had to change the VCC connections so the motor was directly connected to the 5V pin and the sensor to the 3.3V pin. While inconvenient, this was necessary as previously the motor would need a push before being able to rotate the fan on its own. This was because the voltage wasn't enough since it was connected in parallel and only received half of the 5V.