NOTE; install and update youtube-dl through your Linux distro's package manager Enjoy!
while IFS= read -r line; do bash -a $line; done <list
# or
while IFS= read -r line; do bash -v $line; done <list
cd youtube-dl-bash && bash ./
{ Youtube-DL Help Menu. ';..;' }
-S // -E || Start Time or End Time of the download video <hours:minutes:seconds>
-l | A Youtube Link/URL To Download.
-t | File type (mp3,a,audio) OR (mp4,v,video).
-f | File with a list of multiple youtube URL to all download. With each URL on its own new line.
-y | Manually set the tool path to (yt-dlp) from (github) if the original path is broken
-n | Normalize the audio of all the .mp3 files from a desired directory
-b | Leverage browser session cookie to download video/audio you have subbed to. Like from Twitch. {firefox, chrome, chromium, or whatever you are signed into}
-c | Use the URL saved to the secondary Ctrl-C/Ctrl-v Clipboard. Instead of having put the link in the command with xclip.
# Download video as MP3 file.
./ -t mp3 -l
# Download video as MP4 file.
./ -l -t video
# Download from URL file.
./ -f yt_url_list.txt -t audio
# Download a single URL that is saved to your secondary Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V clipboard read with xclip.
./ -c -t mp3
./ -c -t a
# Download URL with a custom tool path if yt-dlp is NOT in your current path. Like git cloned from GitHub
./ -f url_file -t a -y ~/Music/yt-dlp/
# Download part of the URL between a custom starting and ending timestap
./ -l <url> -t audio -S 0:0:14 -E 0:2:55
# Download URL with a browser's Session Cookie
./ -l <url> -t video -b chromium
# Normalize Audio. NOTE must have a forward slash at the end of the directory to work properly
./ -n .
./ -n ~/Music/new_music/
nano OR vim url.lst
# name of song (rick roll)
# name of song 2 (Neoni - Bloodstream "ft Jung Youth")
chmod +x ./
./ -f url.lst -t mp3
./ -c -t mp3
./ -l <url-of-clip-or-complete-vod> -t <format>
./ -l<video-number> -t mp4
- Built in with -b option but here is the one line version examples of it.
yt-dlp --cookies-from-browser <brower-in-use> -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4'<video-number>
yt-dlp --cookies-from-browser firefox -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4'