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MySQL 8 Configuration

Sara Payne edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Edit the MySql configuration file:




Coming Soon


#Changes for OpensimSim

Save the file

Restart the MySql Service

Create A User for OpenSimulator

Even though MySql is now set to use Native Password by default, it is still necessary to set up a MySQL user that identifies using native passwords.

Open the MySQL command line application.

Ubuntu - Default

sudo mysql

Windows and non root Ubuntu configurations

mysql -u root -p

Create a user

CREATE USER 'DatabaseUserName'@'localhost'IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'DatabaseUserPassword';

Replace the bold italic text with your details.

Create A database that uses the new user

CREATE DATABASE DatabaseName; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DatabaseName TO 'DatabaseUser'@'localhost';

DatabaseName and Database user should be substituted for the values created above. Replace the bold italic text with your details.