This respository contains the source code of Faldoi algorithm described in Faldoi. In addition to all the functionals explained in the article this code has another functional implemented, the one from Occlusion estimation.
To compile type
mkdir build
cd build
make -j4
in the directory where this file is located. The compilation of the source code provides three executables:
sparse_flow - Convert the .txt files from match_cli to a sparse flow
local_faldoi - Estimates an optical flow from a set of initial sparse matches.
global_faldoi - Estimates a global minimization using as initialization the output from local_faldoi.
Usage: ./sparse_flow list_matches.txt colums rows out.flo
Usage: ./local_faldoi i0 i1 in.flo out.flo sim_map.tiff [options...]
-m (0) Changes the functional (check aux_energy_model.h)
-wr (5) Radius value 5 - patch 11x11
Usage: ./global_faldoi I0 I1 input.flo out.flow
-m (0) Changes the functional (check aux_energy_model.h)
-w (5) Number of warpings
There exist some python scripts for executing all the code at once. To use them, go to scripts_python folder. In the folder example_data, there is an example of images to use.
To use the python script ( that makes all the process, first you need to do the following:
- Compile the executables through the commands above
- Put the excutable deep matching from DeepMatching: Deep Convolutional Matching into build directory from DeepMatchings
Usage: python i0 i1
To use the python script ( that makes all the process, first you need to do the following:
- Compile the executables throughthe commands above
- Put the excutables sift_cli and match_cli from Anatomy of SIFT from IPOL into build directory from SIFT
Usage: python i0 i1
To use the python script ( that makes all the process, first you need to do the following:
- Compile the executables through the commands above
- Put the excutable deep matching from DeepMatching: Deep Convolutional Matching into build directory from DeepMatchings
- Create a txt file with the path of the images in the following order: I_0, I_1, I_{-1}, I_2
Usage: python list_images.txt