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Environment Variables

alexjlan edited this page Apr 21, 2020 · 10 revisions

Make sure these environment variables are set properly to ensure the OneLedger Protocol runs properly on your system.

First check that you have a valid GOPATH set for your current profile:

$ echo $GOPATH

If you don't see any output from the above command, you need to manually set your GOPATH directory.

Setting up the GOPATH

First make your desired folder for the GOPATH:

$ mkdir ~/go

Set a GOPATH environment variable in your shell startup script. On macOS, this is ~/.bash_profile. For different operating systems or shells, the path may be different. For Ubuntu, it may be ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc.

For the following examples, we'll assume your shell startup script is in ~/.bash_profile.

Add the GOPATH environment variables (make sure it matches the directory you created above):

$ echo export GOPATH=\"\$HOME/go\" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo export PATH=\"\$PATH:\$GOPATH/bin\" >> ~/.bash_profile

By default, go will be installed into the directory /usr/local/go, make sure that not using this directory as the $GOPATH as it will cause permission denial issue when starting to run make commands.

Setting up Oneledger Protocol environment variables

Now set up the environment variables for the Oneledger Protocol:

$ echo export OLROOT="$GOPATH/src/" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ echo export OLTEST=1 >> ~/.bash_profile 
$ echo export OLDATA="$GOPATH/test" >> ~/.bash_profile

You can log out and log back in to reflect these changes on your system, or you can immediately add these variables by sourcing your startup script.

$ source ~/.bash_profile