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Establish new release branch for 4.0.0
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This branch is being established as an `--orphan` so that we can
perform an explicit merge on develop, effectively hiding all
previous commits from e.g. `git log --first-parent`. In the
future, this will allow us to utilize git log `--first-parent`
as a quick way of rolling up all merges on integration branches—
such as `develop` and `master`—without cluttering the history
with all of the commits that went into e.g. feature branches.
That said, the commits made on contributing branches will still
be available via e.g. `git log` or `git blame`, so line-by-line
modifications can be tracked back to specific commits, instead
of squashed into a single merge.

For more detail see the following StackOverflow question:
  • Loading branch information
JeremyCaney committed Dec 31, 2019
0 parents commit 3d0bb8f
Showing 0 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions.

0 comments on commit 3d0bb8f

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