is a command-line tool for processing GameBoy Camera pictures as exported with BitBoy.
- Export to JPEG
- Remove frame
- Scale up
BitBoy exports pictures in BMP format. This is not ideal for sharing them online, as few services accept the format.
Also, GameBoy Camera pictures feature cute frames, that, although charismatic, get old fast and don't quite cut it for art galleries.
Finally, the original resolution of pictures is 128 x 112
and websites tend to scale up pictures if they are too small.
The problem with this is that it will, most likely, destroy the crispiness of the picture, as pixels will not be preserved thanks to their smart algorithms.
resizes pictures to 1024 x 896
, large enough to avoid server-side post-processing in most cases, while preserving their characteristic crispiness by using the good ol' nearest neighbor.
git clone
cd gbpix
pipenv install
Process single picture:
pipenv shell
gbpix GB_0001.BMP
Process all BMP pictures in a directory:
gbpix .