We need a new API-key to request the data. Also some software updates and script modifications are needed:
- Create account: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/#!/home
- Agree licence: https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/api-how-to
- Create API: Log in, and recieve the API-key. Store this key in the file $HOME/.cdsapirc (in your Unix/Linux environment).
Besides a new API-key, also a software update/CDS software is required. To do, run in terminal:
pip install cdsapi
Variables: https://software.ecmwf.int/wiki/display/CKB/ERA5+data+documentation
There are two types of models we can request; HRES (High RESolution) and EDA (Ensemble Data Assamblation).
The difference is in scripts, see below, by the stream and type of data you request:
HRES stream = oper (operational) type = an (analysis)
EDA stream = enda (ensemble) type = em (ensemble mean)
The temporal difference between HRES and EDA is: HRES = hourly data EDA = 3hr data
Also the spatial resolution is different: HRES = 0.3/0.3 degrees EDA = 0.68/0.68 degrees
In the src-ECMWF folder there are two scripts based on https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/How+to+download+ERA5+data+via+the+ECMWF+Web+API. In the src-CDS folder there are two scripts based on https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/#!/home. One script for downloading an entire day (hourly) HRES data (sp/2tr/10u/10v). The other to download and entire day (3hr resolution) of EDA data. I recommend to use CDS database.
When there is trouble downloading/using the scripts, a VirtualBox can be used. I created a VirtualBox which works, when intressted contact me.