#Laravel-IOC-Module Laravel made available the IoC[Inversion of Control] container for developers. This bash script is aimed at speeding up development for Laravel developers.
Add the file to the root of your Laravel project directory and run it like so: ./ioc.sh.
In cases where you're going to use it on an online development environment, you need to assign permission to make the script executable like so: chmod +x ioc.sh
After running the bash script, you will be prompted for a module name. After that input, the following is performed as a result of that:
- A Laravel model is created in the app directory.
- A migration file is created with the module name in database/migrations.
- A Service provider is created in app/Providers and registered inside config/app.php under the providers section.
- A Laravel Controller is created for you in app/Http/Controllers which implements all CRUD methods with necessary Dependency Injections.
- A Repositories directory which houses your repository files is created in the app directory.
- A Repository and Contract file is created inside app/Repositories/module_name directory.
- Your repository and contract files are bound inside the respective Service Providers.
- Three view files are created inside the resources/views/module_name directory and they are: index.blade.php, create.blade.php and edit.blade.php.
Made with love from nHub Nigeria