The admin panel of the Student Assessment Web-app will be used by teachers and other Codaisseur's staff. It is meant to provide functionalities like:
- Possibility to add, remove and modify questions & answers
- Overview of the existing questions and answers and how well they are being answered
- Overview of the applicants who undertook the test
Class 30:
Class 31:
Class 32:
Clone this repository with
git clone [email protected]:Official-Codaisseur-Graduate/Dynamic-Student-Assessment-Admin-Client.git
Cd into the folder you just cloned
cd Dynamic-Student-Assessment-Admin-Client
Install dependencies and run the app
npm install
npm run start
Before launching the app (step 4), please make sure that the server side is up and running.
Sign up: A new user (admin) is able to sign up. A new user will be created on the admin’s table on the back end, with the password being encrypted (with the help of bcrypt) Please note that newly created admin should login after signing up, after successfull signup the user will be redirected automatically to login (see “Login” point for more info).
Login: For easy login you can use one of the seeded admins (email=[email protected], password=Brainclip) Admin users are able to login. If the request to the server is handled successfully, a json web token will be sent back to the client side and stored on Redux state. Please see “User” state in Redux: it has a “jwt” property which is set to “null” if nobody logged in or will display the actual json web token after a successful attempt to sign in.
Logout: Clicking the logout button will dispatch an action that resets the “User” state in Redux. After being clicked, the jwt will be dropped and its value will go back to “null”.
Add question: New questions can be added in this section of the app, at the endpoint: /add-question
- An admin can add a new question, choose a category and a difficulty level
- After adding the question, it will automatically (on the same endpoint /add-question) update to give the admin the Add Answers form, where the admin can add four different answer options and choose the option of either correct or incorrect.
- After submitting the answers, the app will redirect to /questions endpoint where you can see the newly added question inside the questions list.
Edit question: Questions can be edited via the red Edit button from the question dropdown info in the Questions tab. Here you can edit the question itself, the category, difficulty, and the answers. Tied to the Question.put endpoint.
Questions: List of all questions for the test stored in the database. This is done by making a GET request to the database on the /question router.
- Render a list with expandable panels with information about the question
- Category of the question
- Percentage of students that answered correctly
- List of all possible answers for that question ( both correct and wrong answers ).
- Delete button
- Edit button
Edit question: Adds a new student to the Students tab
Students: List of all students (named interviewees in a table) registered for the test or possible candidates
This is done by making a GET request to the database on the /interviewee
- List of students (aka interviewees) with an email and their id, plus their first test score
- Clicking the email takes you to a 'detail-view' of the selected student. This currently only displays a list of the test scores by that student. TODO: An idea would be to implement information about category score here. Maybe more contact information, and better styling (material-ui).
- Adjust the view of the table ( 5, 10 or 20 rows in view )
- Pagination is working
- GENERATE CODE - At the /students endpoint, you can generate a code by adding the id of the interviewee (= students id) which is listed together with the email in the students list that can later be used to login to the TEST CLIENT (the site where interviewees will take the test). You can currently generate several codes per student, but the code expires when a test is completed, so a student can take several tests, but not reuse the same code.
- TABLE used for listing all the students(aka interviewees) - Refer to document. A "Fixed Header" table is used here for listing all the students.
- Add more information and formatting to student detail page, for example category score