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bbest edited this page Oct 16, 2013 · 21 revisions

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Use principles of provenance to scrape READMEs for layer prep information, consolidate metadata and generate useful visualizations. See Paths.


As open-source alternative to ArcGIS, provide basic spatial operations within toolbox necessary for data layer preparation on arbitrary regions, such as a zonal average. Probably going to use PostGIS 2.0 now with raster capabilities (basics, reference), such as ability to intersect polygons with large rasters as needed for Cumulative Impacts 1km global rasters.



  • Hadley's Advanced R Development guide: functional programming, devtools, testthat and other tips for programming and R package development.
  • Developing Packages with RStudio: RStudio includes a variety of tools that make developing R packages easier and more productive, including:
    • Build pane with package development commands and a view of build output and errors
    • Build and Reload command that rebuilds the package and reloads it in a fresh R session
    • R documentation tools including previewing, spell-checking, and Roxygen aware editing
    • Integration with devtools package development functions
    • Support for Rcpp including syntax highlighting for C/C++ and gcc error navigation
  • Software Carpentry: R bootcamp with unit tests using R testthat package, markdown for reproducible science, git intro and more.
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