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declare instruction-level block_type in rewriting process
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Laplace-Demon committed Aug 26, 2024
1 parent 03a8049 commit fa52c96
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Showing 5 changed files with 72 additions and 63 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ast/
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Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ let write_block_type buf (typ : binary block_type option) =
match typ with
| None | Some (Bt_raw (None, ([], []))) -> Buffer.add_char buf '\x40'
| Some (Bt_raw (None, ([], [ vt ]))) -> write_valtype buf vt
| Some (Bt_raw (None, (pt, _))) -> write_paramtype buf pt
| Some (Bt_raw (Some idx, _)) -> write_indice buf idx
(* TODO: memo
will this pattern matching be enough with the use of the new modul.types field?
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28 changes: 23 additions & 5 deletions src/text_to_binary/
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Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ let init_curr () =
; data = ref 0

let declare_func_type type_f (fields : t) =
let declare_func_type (fields : t) type_f =
match type_f with
| Bt_ind _ -> fields
| Bt_raw (id, typ) ->
Expand All @@ -103,13 +103,31 @@ let add_mem value (fields : t) (curr : curr) =
incr curr.mem;
{ fields with mem = Indexed.return index value :: fields.mem }

let rec extract_block_types expr =
let aux instr =
match instr with
| Block (_str_opt, bt, expr1) ->
Option.to_list bt @ extract_block_types expr1
| Loop (_str_opt, bt, expr1) ->
Option.to_list bt @ extract_block_types expr1
| If_else (_str_opt, bt, expr1, expr2) ->
Option.to_list bt @ extract_block_types expr1 @ extract_block_types expr2
| Return_call_indirect (_ind, bt) -> [ bt ]
| Return_call_ref bt -> [ bt ]
| Call_indirect (_ind, bt) -> [ bt ]
| _ -> []
List.concat_map aux expr

let add_func value (fields : t) (curr : curr) =
let func_type =
let fields =
match value with
| Runtime.Local func -> func.type_f
| Imported func -> func.desc
| Runtime.Local func ->
let fields = declare_func_type fields func.type_f in
let temp = extract_block_types func.body in
List.fold_left declare_func_type fields temp
| Imported func -> declare_func_type fields func.desc
let fields = declare_func_type func_type fields in
let index = !(curr.func) in
incr curr.func;
{ fields with func = Indexed.return index value :: fields.func }
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101 changes: 44 additions & 57 deletions src/text_to_binary/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,26 @@ let find_global (modul : Assigned.t) id : binary indice = find id

let find_memory (modul : Assigned.t) id : binary indice = find modul.mem id

let rewrite_block_type (typemap : binary indice TypeMap.t) (modul : Assigned.t)
(block_type : text block_type) : binary block_type Result.t =
match block_type with
| Bt_ind id -> begin
let+ v = get (`Unknown_type id) modul.typ id in
match Indexed.get v with
| Def_func_t t' ->
let idx = Indexed.get_index v in
Bt_raw (Some (Raw idx), t')
| _ -> assert false
| Bt_raw (_, func_type) ->
let+ t = Binary_types.convert_func_type None func_type in
let idx =
match TypeMap.find_opt (Def_func_t t) typemap with
| None -> assert false
| Some idx -> idx
Bt_raw (Some idx, t)

let rewrite_expr (modul : Assigned.t) (locals : binary param list)
(iexpr : text expr) : binary expr Result.t =
(* block_ids handling *)
Expand All @@ -57,37 +77,6 @@ let rewrite_expr (modul : Assigned.t) (locals : binary param list)
else Ok (Raw id)

let bt_some_to_raw : text block_type -> binary block_type Result.t = function
| Bt_ind ind -> begin
let+ v = get (`Unknown_type ind) modul.typ ind in
match Indexed.get v with
| Def_func_t t' ->
let idx = Indexed.get_index v in
Bt_raw (Some (Raw idx), t')
| _ -> assert false
| Bt_raw (type_use, t) -> (
let* t = Binary_types.convert_func_type None t in
match type_use with
| None -> Ok (Bt_raw (None, t))
| Some ind ->
(* we check that the explicit type match the type_use, we have to remove parameters names to do so *)
let* t' =
let+ v = get (`Unknown_type ind) modul.typ ind in
match Indexed.get v with Def_func_t t' -> t' | _ -> assert false
let ok = Types.func_type_eq t t' in
if not ok then Error `Inline_function_type else Ok (Bt_raw (None, t)) )

let bt_to_raw : text block_type option -> binary block_type option Result.t =
| None -> Ok None
| Some bt ->
let+ raw = bt_some_to_raw bt in
Some raw

let* locals, _after_last_assigned_local =
(fun (locals, next_free_int) ((name, _type) : binary param) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,32 +132,50 @@ let rewrite_expr (modul : Assigned.t) (locals : binary param list)
let id = find_local id in
Ok (Local_tee id)
| If_else (id, bt, e1, e2) ->
let* bt = bt_to_raw bt in
let* bt =
match bt with
| Some bt ->
let+ bt = rewrite_block_type (typemap modul.typ) modul bt in
Some bt
| None -> Ok None
let block_ids = id :: block_ids in
let* e1 = expr e1 (loop_count, block_ids) in
let+ e2 = expr e2 (loop_count, block_ids) in
If_else (id, bt, e1, e2)
| Loop (id, bt, e) ->
let* bt = bt_to_raw bt in
let* bt =
match bt with
| Some bt ->
let+ bt = rewrite_block_type (typemap modul.typ) modul bt in
Some bt
| None -> Ok None
let+ e = expr e (loop_count + 1, id :: block_ids) in
Loop (id, bt, e)
| Block (id, bt, e) ->
let* bt = bt_to_raw bt in
let* bt =
match bt with
| Some bt ->
let+ bt = rewrite_block_type (typemap modul.typ) modul bt in
Some bt
| None -> Ok None
let+ e = expr e (loop_count, id :: block_ids) in
Block (id, bt, e)
| Call_indirect (tbl_i, bt) ->
let tbl_i = find_table tbl_i in
let+ bt = bt_some_to_raw bt in
let+ bt = rewrite_block_type (typemap modul.typ) modul bt in
Call_indirect (tbl_i, bt)
| Return_call_indirect (tbl_i, bt) ->
let tbl_i = find_table tbl_i in
let+ bt = bt_some_to_raw bt in
let+ bt = rewrite_block_type (typemap modul.typ) modul bt in
Return_call_indirect (tbl_i, bt)
| Call_ref t ->
let t = find_type t in
Ok (Call_ref t)
| Return_call_ref bt ->
let+ bt = bt_some_to_raw bt in
let+ bt = rewrite_block_type (typemap modul.typ) modul bt in
Return_call_ref bt
| Global_set id ->
let idx = find_global modul id in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,26 +277,6 @@ let rewrite_expr (modul : Assigned.t) (locals : binary param list)
expr iexpr (0, [])

let rewrite_block_type (typemap : binary indice TypeMap.t) (modul : Assigned.t)
(block_type : text block_type) : binary block_type Result.t =
match block_type with
| Bt_ind id -> begin
let+ v = get (`Unknown_type id) modul.typ id in
match Indexed.get v with
| Def_func_t t' ->
let idx = Indexed.get_index v in
Bt_raw (Some (Raw idx), t')
| _ -> assert false
| Bt_raw (_, func_type) ->
let+ t = Binary_types.convert_func_type None func_type in
let idx =
match TypeMap.find_opt (Def_func_t t) typemap with
| None -> assert false
| Some idx -> idx
Bt_raw (Some idx, t)

let rewrite_global (modul : Assigned.t) (global : : Result.t =
let* init = rewrite_expr modul [] global.init in
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/opt/if.t
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Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ if then else instruction:

(type (sub final (func)))

(type (sub final (func (result i32))))
(func $start
(block (result i32)
i32.const 42)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/wat2wasm/loop.t
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Expand Up @@ -115,6 +115,8 @@

(type (sub final (func (param i32) (result i64))))

(type (sub final (func (result i64))))

(type (sub final (func)))
(func (param i32) (result i64) (local i32)
i32.const 0
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