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add function contracts as one kind of annotation, to be parsed either…
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Laplace-Demon committed Aug 2, 2024
1 parent 57b700e commit e2a2713
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Showing 10 changed files with 140 additions and 70 deletions.
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions src/annot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
open Fmt
open Types

type t =
{ annotid : string
; items : Sexp.t

let pp_annot fmt annot =
pf fmt "(@%a@\n @[<b 2>%a@]@\n)" string annot.annotid Sexp.pp_sexp
type 'a annot =
| Contract of 'a Contract.t
| Annot of t

let annot_recorder : (string, t) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17
let pp_annot fmt = function
| Contract contract ->
pf fmt "(@%a@\n @[<v>%a@]@\n)" string "contract" Contract.pp_contract
| Annot annot ->
pf fmt "(@%a@\n @[<hv>%a@]@\n)" string annot.annotid Sexp.pp_sexp

let record_annot annot = Hashtbl.add annot_recorder annot.annotid annot
let annot_recorder : (string, text annot) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 17

let record_annot annotid annot = Hashtbl.add annot_recorder annotid annot

let get_annots ?name () =
match name with
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/annot/annot.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
open Fmt
open Types

type t =
{ annotid : string
; items : Sexp.t

val pp_annot : formatter -> t -> unit
type 'a annot =
| Contract of 'a Contract.t
| Annot of t

val record_annot : t -> unit
val pp_annot : formatter -> text annot -> unit

val get_annots : ?name:string -> unit -> t list
val record_annot : string -> text annot -> unit

val get_annots : ?name:string -> unit -> text annot list
36 changes: 9 additions & 27 deletions src/annot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,16 @@
open Fmt
open Types

type nonrec binpred =
| Ge
| Gt
| Le
| Lt
| Eq
| Neq

type nonrec unconnect = Neg

type nonrec binconnect =
| And
| Or
| Imply
| Equiv

type 'a prop =
| Const of bool
| BinPred of binpred * 'a term * 'a term
| UnConnect of unconnect * 'a prop
| BinConnect of binconnect * 'a prop * 'a prop

and 'a term =
| Int of int
| Global of 'a indice
| Result
open Spec

type 'a t =
{ func : 'a indice
; preconditions : 'a prop list
; postconditions : 'a prop list

let pp_contract fmt { func; preconditions; postconditions } =
pf fmt "%a@,%a@,%a@," pp_indice func
(list ~sep:pp_newline pp_prop)
(list ~sep:pp_newline pp_prop)
31 changes: 4 additions & 27 deletions src/annot/contract.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,11 @@
open Fmt
open Types

type nonrec binpred =
| Ge
| Gt
| Le
| Lt
| Eq
| Neq

type nonrec unconnect = Neg

type nonrec binconnect =
| And
| Or
| Imply
| Equiv

type 'a prop =
| Const of bool
| BinPred of binpred * 'a term * 'a term
| UnConnect of unconnect * 'a prop
| BinConnect of binconnect * 'a prop * 'a prop

and 'a term =
| Int of int
| Global of 'a indice
| Result
open Spec

type 'a t =
{ func : 'a indice
; preconditions : 'a prop list
; postconditions : 'a prop list

val pp_contract : formatter -> 'a t -> unit
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions src/annot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
open Types
open Fmt

(local index)
(global index)
(binder index)
(local index)
(global index)
(binder index)

type nonrec binpred =
| Ge
| Gt
| Le
| Lt
| Eq
| Neq

type nonrec unconnect = Neg

type nonrec binconnect =
| And
| Or
| Imply
| Equiv

type nonrec binder =
| Forall
| Exists

type nonrec binder_type = num_type

type 'a prop =
| Const : bool -> 'a prop
| BinPred : binpred * 'a term * 'a term -> 'a prop
| UnConnect : unconnect * 'a prop -> 'a prop
| BinConnect : binconnect * 'a prop * 'a prop -> 'a prop
| Binder : binder * binder_type * string option * 'a prop -> 'a prop

and 'a term =
| Int32 : int32 -> 'a term
| Var : text indice -> text term
| GlobalVar : 'a indice -> 'a term
| BinderVar : 'a indice -> 'a term
| Result : 'a term

let pp_bool fmt = function true -> pf fmt "true" | false -> pf fmt "false"

let pp_binpred fmt = function
| Ge -> pf fmt ">="
| Gt -> pf fmt ">"
| Le -> pf fmt "<="
| Lt -> pf fmt "<"
| Eq -> pf fmt "="
| Neq -> pf fmt "!="

let pp_unconnect fmt = function Neg -> pf fmt "!"

let pp_binconnect fmt = function
| And -> pf fmt "&&"
| Or -> pf fmt "||"
| Imply -> pf fmt "==>"
| Equiv -> pf fmt "<==>"

let pp_binder fmt = function
| Forall -> pf fmt {|\forall|}
| Exists -> pf fmt {|\exists|}

let pp_binder_type = pp_num_type

let rec pp_prop fmt = function
| Const bool -> pf fmt {|"\%a"|} pp_bool bool
| BinPred (b, tm1, tm2) ->
pf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" pp_term tm1 pp_binpred b pp_term tm2
| UnConnect (u, pr1) -> pf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@]" pp_unconnect u pp_prop pr1
| BinConnect (b, pr1, pr2) ->
pf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@ %a@]" pp_prop pr1 pp_binconnect b pp_prop pr2
| Binder (b, bt, id_opt, pr1) -> (
match id_opt with
| Some id ->
pf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@ %a, %a@]" pp_binder b pp_binder_type bt pp_id id
pp_prop pr1
| None ->
pf fmt "@[<hv 2>%a@ %a@, %a@]" pp_binder b pp_binder_type bt pp_prop pr1 )

and pp_term (type e) fmt (tm : e term) =
match tm with
| Int32 i -> pf fmt "%i" (Int32.to_int i)
| Var ind -> pf fmt "%a" pp_indice ind
| GlobalVar ind -> pf fmt "global.%a" pp_indice ind
| BinderVar ind -> pf fmt "binder.%a" pp_indice ind
| Result -> pf fmt {|\result|}
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ type elem =

type custom =
| Uninterpreted of (string, Sexp.t) Either.t
| Contract of binary Contract.t
| Uninterpreted of string
| From_annot of binary Annot.annot

type modul =
{ id : string option
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ let pp_module_field fmt = function
type modul =
{ id : string option
; fields : module_field list
; annots : Annot.t list
; annots : text Annot.annot list

let pp_modul fmt (m : modul) =
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1211,9 +1211,7 @@ let sections_iterate (input : Input.t) =

(* Custom *)
let custom =
( (fun x -> Uninterpreted (Either.Left x)))
List.filter_map ( (fun x -> Uninterpreted x)) custom_sections

{ id = None
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -452,14 +452,14 @@ let rec token buf =
if String.equal "" annotid then Log.err "empty annotation id"
let items = Sexp.List (annot buf) in
Annot.(record_annot { annotid; items });
Annot.(record_annot annotid (Annot { annotid; items }));
token buf
| "(@", Plus id_char ->
let annotid = Utf8.lexeme buf in
let annotid = String.sub annotid 2 (String.length annotid - 2) in
let annotid = mk_string buf annotid in
let items = Sexp.List (annot buf) in
Annot.(record_annot { annotid; items });
Annot.(record_annot annotid (Annot { annotid; items }));
token buf
| "(@" -> Log.err "empty annotation id"
(* 1 *)
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