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binary parser, error messages
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epatrizio authored and zapashcanon committed Jun 19, 2024
1 parent 66ef915 commit d8117e3
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Showing 8 changed files with 124 additions and 38 deletions.
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions example/c/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ $ owi c ./poly.c -w1
(symbol_0 (i32 2)))
(symbol_0 (i32 4)))
Reached problem!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,9 +333,8 @@ OPTIONS
skip typechecking pass

-w VAL, --workers=VAL (absent=n)
number of workers for symbolic execution. Defaults to a
machine-specific value given by the OCaml
Domain.recommended_domain_count function.
number of workers for symbolic execution. Defaults to the number
of physical cores.

--help[=FMT] (default=auto)
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions example/conc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,9 +72,8 @@ OPTIONS
skip typechecking pass

-w VAL, --workers=VAL (absent=n)
number of workers for symbolic execution. Defaults to a
machine-specific value given by the OCaml
Domain.recommended_domain_count function.
number of workers for symbolic execution. Defaults to the number
of physical cores.

--workspace=VAL (absent=owi-out)
path to the workspace directory
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions example/sym/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,9 +76,8 @@ OPTIONS
skip typechecking pass

-w VAL, --workers=VAL (absent=n)
number of workers for symbolic execution. Defaults to a
machine-specific value given by the OCaml
Domain.recommended_domain_count function.
number of workers for symbolic execution. Defaults to the number
of physical cores.

--workspace=VAL (absent=owi-out)
path to the workspace directory
Expand Down
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions src/ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -617,6 +617,71 @@ let rec pp_instr fmt = function

and pp_expr fmt instrs = pp_list ~pp_sep:pp_newline pp_instr fmt instrs

let rec iter_expr f (e : _ expr) = List.iter (iter_instr f) e

and iter_instr f (i : _ instr) =
f i;
match i with
| I32_const _ | I64_const _ | F32_const _ | F64_const _
| I_unop (_, _)
| F_unop (_, _)
| I_binop (_, _)
| F_binop (_, _)
| I_testop (_, _)
| I_relop (_, _)
| F_relop (_, _)
| I_extend8_s _ | I_extend16_s _ | I64_extend32_s | I32_wrap_i64
| I64_extend_i32 _
| I_trunc_f (_, _, _)
| I_trunc_sat_f (_, _, _)
| F32_demote_f64 | F64_promote_f32
| F_convert_i (_, _, _)
| I_reinterpret_f (_, _)
| F_reinterpret_i (_, _)
| Ref_null _ | Ref_is_null | Ref_i31 | Ref_func _ | Ref_as_non_null
| Ref_cast (_, _)
| Ref_test (_, _)
| Ref_eq | Drop | Select _ | Local_get _ | Local_set _ | Local_tee _
| Global_get _ | Global_set _ | Table_get _ | Table_set _ | Table_size _
| Table_grow _ | Table_fill _
| Table_copy (_, _)
| Table_init (_, _)
| Elem_drop _
| I_load (_, _)
| F_load (_, _)
| I_store (_, _)
| F_store (_, _)
| I_load8 (_, _, _)
| I_load16 (_, _, _)
| I64_load32 (_, _)
| I_store8 (_, _)
| I_store16 (_, _)
| I64_store32 _ | Memory_size | Memory_grow | Memory_fill | Memory_copy
| Memory_init _ | Data_drop _ | Nop | Unreachable | Br _ | Br_if _
| Br_table (_, _)
| Br_on_cast (_, _, _)
| Br_on_cast_fail (_, _, _)
| Br_on_non_null _ | Br_on_null _ | Return | Return_call _
| Return_call_indirect (_, _)
| Return_call_ref _ | Call _
| Call_indirect (_, _)
| Call_ref _ | Array_get _ | Array_get_u _ | Array_len | Array_new _
| Array_new_data (_, _)
| Array_new_default _
| Array_new_elem (_, _)
| Array_new_fixed (_, _)
| Array_set _ | I31_get_u | I31_get_s
| Struct_get (_, _)
| Struct_get_s (_, _)
| Struct_new _ | Struct_new_default _
| Struct_set (_, _)
| Extern_externalize | Extern_internalize ->
| Block (_, _, e) | Loop (_, _, e) -> iter_expr f e
| If_else (_, _, e1, e2) ->
iter_expr f e1;
iter_expr f e2

(* TODO: func and expr should also be parametrised on block type:
using (param_type, result_type) M.block_type before simplify and directly an indice after *)
type 'a func =
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70 changes: 48 additions & 22 deletions src/parser/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,12 +184,15 @@ let vector parse_elt input =

let vector_no_id f input = vector (fun _id -> f) input

let check_end_opcode input =
let msg = "END opcode expected" in
let check_end_opcode ?unexpected_eoi_msg input =
let msg = Option.value unexpected_eoi_msg ~default:"END opcode expected" in
match read_byte ~msg input with
| Ok ('\x0B', input) -> Ok input
| Ok (c, _input) ->
Error (`Msg (Format.sprintf "%s (got %s instead)" msg (Char.escaped c)))
(Format.sprintf "END opcode expected (got %s instead)" (Char.escaped c))
| Error _ as e -> e

let check_zero_opcode input =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,7 +334,6 @@ let read_block_type types input =

let rec read_instr types input =
let old_input = input in
let* b, input = read_byte ~msg:"read_instr" input in
match b with
| '\x00' -> Ok (Unreachable, input)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -627,13 +629,13 @@ let rec read_instr types input =
| '\xD2' ->
let+ funcidx, input = read_indice input in
(Ref_func funcidx, input)
| '\xFC' -> read_FC old_input
| '\xFC' -> read_FC input
| c -> Error (`Msg (Format.sprintf "illegal opcode (2) %s" (Char.escaped c)))

and read_expr types input =
let rec aux acc input =
match read_byte ~msg:"read_expr" input with
| Ok (('\x05' | '\x0b'), _) -> Ok (List.rev acc, input)
| Ok (('\x05' | '\x0B'), _) -> Ok (List.rev acc, input)
| Error _ -> Ok (List.rev acc, input)
| Ok _ ->
let* instr, input = read_instr types input in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -675,25 +677,29 @@ let section_parse input ~expected_id default section_content_parse =
| Some id when id = expected_id ->
let* () = check_section_id id in
let* input = Input.sub_suffix 1 input in
let* () =
if Input.size input = 0 then Error (`Msg "unexpected end") else Ok ()
let* size, input = read_U32 input in
let* () =
if size > Input.size input then Error (`Msg "section size mismatch")
if size > Input.size input then Error (`Msg "length out of bounds")
else Ok ()
let* section_input = Input.sub_prefix size input in
let* next_input = Input.sub_suffix size input in
let* res, after_section_input = section_content_parse section_input in
Input.size input - (Input.size next_input + Input.size section_input)
<> Input.size after_section_input
then Error (`Msg "section size mismatch")
if Input.size after_section_input > 0 then
Error (`Msg "section size mismatch")
else Ok (res, next_input)
| None -> Ok (default, input)
| Some id ->
let* () = check_section_id id in
Ok (default, input)

let parse_utf8_name input =
let* () =
if Input.size input = 0 then Error (`Msg "unexpected end") else Ok ()
let* name, input = read_bytes ~msg:"parse_utf8_name" input in
let name = string_of_char_list name in
let+ () = Wutf8.check_utf8 name in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -743,7 +749,7 @@ let read_import input =
| '\x03' ->
let+ (mut, val_type), input = read_global_type input in
((modul, name, Global (mut, val_type)), input)
| _c -> Error (`Msg "SECTION_IMPORT_NO_MATCH")
| _c -> Error (`Msg "malformed import kind")

let read_table input =
let* ref_type, input = read_reftype input in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -855,11 +861,23 @@ let read_locals input =
(locals, input)

let read_code types input =
let* _size, input = read_U32 input in
let* locals, input = read_locals input in
let* code, input = read_expr types input in
let+ input = check_end_opcode input in
((locals, code), input)
let* size, input = read_U32 input in
let* code_input = Input.sub_prefix size input in
let* next_input = Input.sub_suffix size input in
let* locals, code_input = read_locals code_input in
let* code, code_input = read_expr types code_input in
let* () =
if Input.size code_input = 0 && Input.size next_input = 0 then
Error (`Msg "unexpected end of section or function")
else Ok ()
let* code_input =
check_end_opcode ~unexpected_eoi_msg:"unexpected end of section or function"
if Input.size code_input > 0 then
Error (`Msg "unexpected end of section or function")
else Ok ((locals, code), next_input)

(* TODO: merge Elem and Data modes ? *)
let read_data_active types input =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1029,12 +1047,20 @@ let sections_iterate (input : Input.t) =

let* () =
match data_count_section with
| None -> Ok ()
| Some len ->
if List.compare_length_with data_section len <> 0 then
Error (`Msg "data count and data section have inconsistent lengths")
match (List.length data_section, data_count_section) with
| 0, None -> Ok ()
| _data_len, None ->
let code_use_dataidx = ref false in
let f_iter = function
| Data_drop _ | Memory_init _ -> code_use_dataidx := true
| _ -> ()
let expr = List.concat_map snd code_section in
iter_expr f_iter expr;
if !code_use_dataidx then Error (`Msg "data count section required")
else Ok ()
| data_len, Some data_count when data_len = data_count -> Ok ()
| _ -> Error (`Msg "data count and data section have inconsistent lengths")

(* Custom *)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/script/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ let check_error ~expected ~got : unit Result.t =
|| got = `Msg "constant out of range"
|| got = `Parse_fail "constant out of range" )
&& (expected = "i32 constant out of range" || expected = "i32 constant")
|| got = `Msg "unexpected end of section or function"
&& expected = "section size mismatch"
if not ok then begin
Error (`Failed_with_but_expected (got, expected))
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions test/script/reference.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/binary-leb128.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/binary.wast
expected unexpected end of section or function but got (END opcode expected)
expected END opcode expected but got (unexpected end of section or function)
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/block.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/br_if.wast
Expand All @@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/const.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/conversions.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/custom.wast
expected unexpected end but got (integer representation too long)
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/data.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/elem.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion reference/endianness.wast
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions test/script/reference_opt.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/binary-leb128.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/binary.wast
expected unexpected end of section or function but got (END opcode expected)
expected END opcode expected but got (unexpected end of section or function)
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/block.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/br_if.wast
Expand All @@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/const.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/conversions.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/custom.wast
expected unexpected end but got (integer representation too long)
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/data.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/elem.wast
$ owi script --no-exhaustion --optimize reference/endianness.wast
Expand Down

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