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Make symbolic memory backend parametric on choice monad
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filipeom committed Jul 18, 2024
1 parent 5d1f9ba commit 8729778
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/dune
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128 changes: 2 additions & 126 deletions src/symbolic/
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(* Copyright © 2021-2024 OCamlPro *)
(* Written by the Owi programmers *)

module Value = Symbolic_value
module Expr = Smtml.Expr
module Ty = Smtml.Ty
module Value = Symbolic_value
open Expr

let page_size = Symbolic_value.const_i32 65_536l

module Backend : Symbolic_memory_intf.M = struct
type address = Int32.t

type t =
{ data : (address, Value.int32) Hashtbl.t
; parent : t option
; chunks : (address, Value.int32) Hashtbl.t

let create () =
{ data = Hashtbl.create 128; parent = None; chunks = Hashtbl.create 16 }

let clone m =
{ data = Hashtbl.create 16
; parent = Some m
; chunks = Hashtbl.copy m.chunks (* TODO: we can make this lazy as well *)

let address v =
match view v with
| Val (Num (I32 i)) -> i
| _ -> Log.err {|Unsupported symbolic value reasoning over "%a"|} Expr.pp v

let ptr v =
match view v with
| Ptr { base; _ } -> base
| _ -> Log.err {|free: cannot fetch pointer base of "%a"|} Expr.pp v

let address_i32 i = i

let rec load_byte { parent; data; _ } a =
try Hashtbl.find data a
with Not_found -> (
match parent with
| None -> make (Val (Num (I8 0)))
| Some parent -> load_byte parent a )

(* TODO: don't rebuild so many values it generates unecessary hc lookups *)
let merge_extracts (e1, h, m1) (e2, m2, l) =
let ty = Expr.ty e1 in
if m1 = m2 && Expr.equal e1 e2 then
if h - l = Ty.size ty then e1 else make (Extract (e1, h, l))
else make (Concat (make (Extract (e1, h, m1)), make (Extract (e2, m2, l))))

let concat ~msb ~lsb offset =
assert (offset > 0 && offset <= 8);
match (view msb, view lsb) with
| Val (Num (I8 i1)), Val (Num (I8 i2)) ->
Value.const_i32 Int32.(logor (shl (of_int i1) 8l) (of_int i2))
| Val (Num (I8 i1)), Val (Num (I32 i2)) ->
let offset = offset * 8 in
if offset < 32 then
Value.const_i32 Int32.(logor (shl (of_int i1) (of_int offset)) i2)
let i1' = Int64.of_int i1 in
let i2' = Int64.of_int32 i2 in
Value.const_i64 Int64.(logor (shl i1' (of_int offset)) i2')
| Val (Num (I8 i1)), Val (Num (I64 i2)) ->
let offset = Int64.of_int (offset * 8) in
Value.const_i64 Int64.(logor (shl (of_int i1) offset) i2)
| Extract (e1, h, m1), Extract (e2, m2, l) ->
merge_extracts (e1, h, m1) (e2, m2, l)
| Extract (e1, h, m1), Concat ({ node = Extract (e2, m2, l); _ }, e3) ->
make (Concat (merge_extracts (e1, h, m1) (e2, m2, l), e3))
| _ -> make (Concat (msb, lsb))

let loadn m a n =
let rec loop addr size i acc =
if i = size then acc
let addr' = Int32.(add addr (of_int i)) in
let byte = load_byte m addr' in
loop addr size (i + 1) (concat i ~msb:byte ~lsb:acc)
let v0 = load_byte m a in
loop a n 1 v0

let extract v pos =
match view v with
| Val (Num (I8 _)) -> v
| Val (Num (I32 i)) ->
let i' = Int32.(to_int @@ logand 0xffl @@ shr_s i @@ of_int (pos * 8)) in
value (Num (I8 i'))
| Val (Num (I64 i)) ->
let i' = Int64.(to_int @@ logand 0xffL @@ shr_s i @@ of_int (pos * 8)) in
value (Num (I8 i'))
| Cvtop (_, Zero_extend 24, ({ node = Symbol _; _ } as sym))
| Cvtop (_, Sign_extend 24, ({ node = Symbol _; _ } as sym))
when Smtml.Ty.equal (Ty_bitv 8) (ty sym) ->
| _ -> make (Extract (v, pos + 1, pos))

let storen m addr v n =
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
let addr' = Int32.add addr (Int32.of_int i) in
let v' = extract v i in
Hashtbl.replace addr' v'

let is_within_bounds m a =
match view a with
| Val (Num (I32 a)) -> Ok (Value.Bool.const false, a)
| Ptr { base; offset } -> (
match Hashtbl.find m.chunks base with
| exception Not_found -> Error Trap.Memory_leak_use_after_free
| size ->
let ptr = Int32.add base (address offset) in
let upper_bound =
Value.( (const_i32 ptr) (I32.add (const_i32 base) size))
Ok (Value.Bool.(or_ (const ( ptr base)) upper_bound), ptr) )
| _ -> Log.err {|Unable to calculate address of: "%a"|} Expr.pp a

let free m ptr =
if not @@ Hashtbl.mem m.chunks ptr then
Error Trap.Memory_leak_use_after_free
(* failwith "Memory leak double free"; *)
else Ok (Hashtbl.remove m.chunks ptr)

let realloc m ptr size =
Hashtbl.replace m.chunks ptr size;
Expr.ptr ptr (Symbolic_value.const_i32 0l)

module Make (Backend : Symbolic_memory_intf.M) = struct
type t =
{ data : Backend.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,6 +113,7 @@ module Make (Backend : Symbolic_memory_intf.M) = struct
let realloc m ptr size = Backend.realloc ptr size

module Backend = Symbolic_memory_backend.Make (Symbolic_memory_choice)
include Make (Backend)

module ITbl = Hashtbl.Make (struct
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open Smtml.Expr
module Expr = Smtml.Expr
module Value = Symbolic_value

module Make (_ : Choice_intf.Base) : Symbolic_memory_intf.M = struct
type address = Int32.t

type t =
{ data : (address, Value.int32) Hashtbl.t
; parent : t option
; chunks : (address, Value.int32) Hashtbl.t

let create () =
{ data = Hashtbl.create 128; parent = None; chunks = Hashtbl.create 16 }

let clone m =
{ data = Hashtbl.create 16
; parent = Some m
; chunks = Hashtbl.copy m.chunks (* TODO: we can make this lazy as well *)

let address v =
match view v with
| Val (Num (I32 i)) -> i
| _ -> Log.err {|Unsupported symbolic value reasoning over "%a"|} Expr.pp v

let ptr v =
match view v with
| Ptr { base; _ } -> base
| _ -> Log.err {|free: cannot fetch pointer base of "%a"|} Expr.pp v

let address_i32 i = i

let rec load_byte { parent; data; _ } a =
try Hashtbl.find data a
with Not_found -> (
match parent with
| None -> make (Val (Num (I8 0)))
| Some parent -> load_byte parent a )

(* TODO: don't rebuild so many values it generates unecessary hc lookups *)
let merge_extracts (e1, h, m1) (e2, m2, l) =
let ty = Expr.ty e1 in
if m1 = m2 && Expr.equal e1 e2 then
if h - l = Smtml.Ty.size ty then e1 else make (Extract (e1, h, l))
else make (Concat (make (Extract (e1, h, m1)), make (Extract (e2, m2, l))))

let concat ~msb ~lsb offset =
assert (offset > 0 && offset <= 8);
match (view msb, view lsb) with
| Val (Num (I8 i1)), Val (Num (I8 i2)) ->
Value.const_i32 Int32.(logor (shl (of_int i1) 8l) (of_int i2))
| Val (Num (I8 i1)), Val (Num (I32 i2)) ->
let offset = offset * 8 in
if offset < 32 then
Value.const_i32 Int32.(logor (shl (of_int i1) (of_int offset)) i2)
let i1' = Int64.of_int i1 in
let i2' = Int64.of_int32 i2 in
Value.const_i64 Int64.(logor (shl i1' (of_int offset)) i2')
| Val (Num (I8 i1)), Val (Num (I64 i2)) ->
let offset = Int64.of_int (offset * 8) in
Value.const_i64 Int64.(logor (shl (of_int i1) offset) i2)
| Extract (e1, h, m1), Extract (e2, m2, l) ->
merge_extracts (e1, h, m1) (e2, m2, l)
| Extract (e1, h, m1), Concat ({ node = Extract (e2, m2, l); _ }, e3) ->
make (Concat (merge_extracts (e1, h, m1) (e2, m2, l), e3))
| _ -> make (Concat (msb, lsb))

let loadn m a n =
let rec loop addr size i acc =
if i = size then acc
let addr' = Int32.(add addr (of_int i)) in
let byte = load_byte m addr' in
loop addr size (i + 1) (concat i ~msb:byte ~lsb:acc)
let v0 = load_byte m a in
loop a n 1 v0

let extract v pos =
match view v with
| Val (Num (I8 _)) -> v
| Val (Num (I32 i)) ->
let i' = Int32.(to_int @@ logand 0xffl @@ shr_s i @@ of_int (pos * 8)) in
value (Num (I8 i'))
| Val (Num (I64 i)) ->
let i' = Int64.(to_int @@ logand 0xffL @@ shr_s i @@ of_int (pos * 8)) in
value (Num (I8 i'))
| Cvtop (_, Zero_extend 24, ({ node = Symbol _; _ } as sym))
| Cvtop (_, Sign_extend 24, ({ node = Symbol _; _ } as sym))
when Smtml.Ty.equal (Ty_bitv 8) (ty sym) ->
| _ -> make (Extract (v, pos + 1, pos))

let storen m addr v n =
for i = 0 to n - 1 do
let addr' = Int32.add addr (Int32.of_int i) in
let v' = extract v i in
Hashtbl.replace addr' v'

let is_within_bounds m a =
match view a with
| Val (Num (I32 a)) -> Ok (Value.Bool.const false, a)
| Ptr { base; offset } -> (
match Hashtbl.find m.chunks base with
| exception Not_found -> Error Trap.Memory_leak_use_after_free
| size ->
let ptr = Int32.add base (address offset) in
let upper_bound =
Value.( (const_i32 ptr) (I32.add (const_i32 base) size))
Ok (Value.Bool.(or_ (const ( ptr base)) upper_bound), ptr) )
| _ -> Log.err {|Unable to calculate address of: "%a"|} Expr.pp a

let free m ptr =
if not @@ Hashtbl.mem m.chunks ptr then
Error Trap.Memory_leak_use_after_free
(* failwith "Memory leak double free"; *)
else Ok (Hashtbl.remove m.chunks ptr)

let realloc m ptr size =
Hashtbl.replace m.chunks ptr size;
Expr.ptr ptr (Symbolic_value.const_i32 0l)
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module V = Symbolic_value

type 'a t = 'a

let return a = a

let bind a k = k a

let ( let* ) = bind

let map a k = k a

let ( let+ ) = map

let select _ = assert false

let select_i32 _ = assert false

let trap _ = assert false

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