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framework for rac code generation
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Laplace-Demon committed Aug 18, 2024
1 parent f6b7961 commit 5e75cca
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Showing 34 changed files with 893 additions and 188 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/annot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,14 @@ type 'a t =
; postconditions : 'a prop list

let compare_funcid c1 c2 = compare_indice c1.funcid c2.funcid

let join_contract { preconditions = pre1; postconditions = post1; funcid }
{ preconditions = pre2; postconditions = post2; _ } =
let preconditions = pre1 @ pre2 in
let postconditions = post1 @ post2 in
{ funcid; preconditions; postconditions }

let pp_contract fmt { funcid; preconditions; postconditions } =
pf fmt
"@[<v>Contract of function %a@,\
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/annot/contract.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ type 'a t =
; postconditions : 'a prop list

val compare_funcid : 'a t -> 'a t -> int

val join_contract : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t

val pp_contract : formatter -> 'a t -> unit

val parse_contract : Sexp.t -> text t Result.t
45 changes: 26 additions & 19 deletions src/annot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,17 +18,18 @@ binop ::= '+' ==> Plus
term ::= '(' pterm ')' ==> pterm
| i32 ==> match Int32.of_string i32 with Some i32 -> Int32 i32
| ind ==> match parse_text_id ind with Some ind -> Var (Text ind)
| result ==> Result
| 'result' ==> Result None
pterm ::= 'i32' i32 ==> match Int32.of_string i32 with Some i32 -> Int32 i32 | None -> `Invalid_int32 i32
| 'i64' i64 ==> match Int64.of_string i64 with Some i64 -> Int64 i64 | None -> `Invalid_int64 i64
| 'f32' f32 ==> match Float32.of_string f32 with Some f32 -> Float32 f32 | None -> `Invalid_float32 f32
| 'f64' f64 ==> match Float64.of_string f64 with Some f64 -> Float64 f64 | None -> `Invalid_float64 f64
pterm ::= 'i32' i32 ==> match Int32.of_string i32 with Some i32 -> Int32 i32 | None -> `Spec_invalid_int32 i32
| 'i64' i64 ==> match Int64.of_string i64 with Some i64 -> Int64 i64 | None -> `Spec_invalid_int64 i64
| 'f32' f32 ==> match Float32.of_string f32 with Some f32 -> Float32 f32 | None -> `Spec_invalid_float32 f32
| 'f64' f64 ==> match Float64.of_string f64 with Some f64 -> Float64 f64 | None -> `Spec_invalid_float64 f64
| 'param' ind ==> let* ind = parse_indice ind in ParamVar ind
| 'global' ind ==> let* ind = parse_indice ind in GlobalVar ind
| 'binder' ind ==> let* ind = parse_indice ind in BinderVar ind
| unop term_1 ==> Unop (unop, term_1)
| binop term_1 term_2 ==> BinOp (binop, term_1, term_2)
| 'result' i ==> Result (Some i)
binpred ::= '>=' ==> Ge
| '>' ==> Gt
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ type 'a term =
| BinderVar : 'a indice -> 'a term
| UnOp : unop * 'a term -> 'a term
| BinOp : binop * 'a term * 'a term -> 'a term
| Result : 'a term
| Result : int option -> 'a term

type 'a prop =
| Const : bool -> 'a prop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ let rec pp_term : type a. formatter -> a term -> unit =
| UnOp (u, tm1) -> pf fmt "@[<hv 2>(%a@ %a)@]" pp_unop u pp_term tm1
| BinOp (b, tm1, tm2) ->
pf fmt "@[<hv 2>(%a@ %a@ %a)@]" pp_binop b pp_term tm1 pp_term tm2
| Result -> pf fmt "result"
| Result (Some i) -> pf fmt "(result %i)" i
| Result None -> pf fmt "result"

let rec pp_prop : type a. formatter -> a prop -> unit =
fun fmt -> function
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,16 +207,16 @@ let parse_text_id_result id =
let hd = String.get id 0 in
let tl = String.sub id 1 (len - 1) in
if Char.equal hd '$' && String.for_all valid_text_indice_char id then Ok tl
else Error (`Invalid_text_indice id)
else Error (`Invalid_text_indice id)
else Error (`Spec_invalid_text_indice id)
else Error (`Spec_invalid_text_indice id)

let parse_raw_id id = int_of_string id

let parse_indice id =
match (parse_text_id id, parse_raw_id id) with
| Some id, _ -> Ok (Text id)
| _, Some id -> Ok (Raw id)
| _, _ -> Error (`Invalid_indice id)
| _, _ -> Error (`Spec_invalid_indice id)

let parse_binder_type =
let open Sexp in
Expand All @@ -223,7 +225,7 @@ let parse_binder_type =
| Atom "i64" -> Ok I64
| Atom "f32" -> Ok F32
| Atom "f64" -> Ok F64
| bt -> Error (`Unknown_binder_type bt)
| bt -> Error (`Spec_unknown_binder_type bt)

let rec parse_term =
let open Sexp in
Expand All @@ -238,29 +240,34 @@ let rec parse_term =
| Some ind -> Ok (Var (Text ind))
| None ->
(* Result *)
if String.equal "result" a then Ok Result (* Invalid *)
else Error (`Unknown_term tm) )
if String.equal "result" a then Ok (Result None) (* Invalid *)
else Error (`Spec_unknown_term tm) )
(* Result *)
| List [ Atom "result"; Atom i ] -> (
match int_of_string i with
| Some i -> Ok (Result (Some i))
| None -> Error (`Spec_invalid_int32 i) )
(* Int32 *)
| List [ Atom "i32"; Atom i32 ] -> (
match Int32.of_string i32 with
| Some i32 -> ok @@ Int32 i32
| None -> Error (`Invalid_int32 i32) )
| None -> Error (`Spec_invalid_int32 i32) )
(* Int64 *)
| List [ Atom "i64"; Atom i64 ] -> (
match Int64.of_string i64 with
| Some i64 -> ok @@ Int64 i64
| None -> Error (`Invalid_int64 i64) )
| None -> Error (`Spec_invalid_int64 i64) )
(* Float32 *)
| List [ Atom "f32"; Atom f32 ] -> (
match Float32.of_string f32 with
| Some f32 -> ok @@ Float32 f32
| None -> Error (`Invalid_float32 f32) )
| None -> Error (`Spec_invalid_float32 f32) )
(* Float64 *)
| List [ Atom "f64"; Atom f64 ] -> (
match Float64.of_string f64 with
| Some f64 -> ok @@ Float64 f64
| None -> Error (`Invalid_float64 f64) )
| None -> Error (`Spec_invalid_float64 f64) )
(* ParamVar *)
| List [ Atom "param"; Atom ind ] ->
let+ ind = parse_indice ind in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -302,7 +309,7 @@ let rec parse_term =
let+ tm2 = parse_term tm2 in
BinOp (CustomBinOp c, tm1, tm2)
(* Invalid *)
| tm -> Error (`Unknown_term tm)
| tm -> Error (`Spec_unknown_term tm)

let rec parse_prop =
let open Sexp in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,4 +383,4 @@ let rec parse_prop =
let+ pr1 = parse_prop pr1 in
Binder (Exists, bt, Some ind, pr1)
(* invalid *)
| _ as pr -> Error (`Unknown_prop pr)
| _ as pr -> Error (`Spec_unknown_prop pr)
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/annot/spec.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ type 'a term =
| BinderVar : 'a indice -> 'a term
| UnOp : unop * 'a term -> 'a term
| BinOp : binop * 'a term * 'a term -> 'a term
| Result : 'a term
| Result : int option -> 'a term

type 'a prop =
| Const : bool -> 'a prop
Expand All @@ -68,10 +68,14 @@ val pp_binder : formatter -> binder -> unit

val pp_binder_type : formatter -> binder_type -> unit

val pp_prop : formatter -> 'a prop -> unit
val pp_unop : formatter -> unop -> unit

val pp_binop : formatter -> binop -> unit

val pp_term : formatter -> 'a term -> unit

val pp_prop : formatter -> 'a prop -> unit

val parse_indice : string -> text indice Result.t

val parse_prop : Sexp.t -> text prop Result.t
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -778,8 +778,8 @@ let write_file filename content =
Out_channel.output_string oc content;
Out_channel.close oc

let convert (filename : Fpath.t) ~unsafe ~optimize m =
let convert (filename : Fpath.t) ~unsafe ~rac ~optimize m =
Log.debug0 "bin encoding ...@\n";
let+ m = Compile.Text.until_optimize ~unsafe ~optimize m in
let+ m = Compile.Text.until_optimize ~unsafe ~rac ~optimize m in
let content = encode m in
write_file filename content
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ast/binary_encoder.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
val convert :
-> unsafe:bool
-> rac:bool
-> optimize:bool
-> Text.modul
-> (unit, Result.err) result

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