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bugfix in maximiszation: Sometimes, the simplex says "unbounded" on t…
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…rivially bounded problems: (TODO: => improve code)
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OCamlPro-Iguernlala committed Nov 9, 2016
1 parent 749b477 commit 6221a61
Showing 1 changed file with 91 additions and 40 deletions.
131 changes: 91 additions & 40 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -200,20 +200,35 @@ module Make(Core : CoreSig.SIG) : SIG with module Core = Core = struct
with Exit -> !acc

type 'a maximiza_basic =
| Free
| Stuck
| Progress of 'a

let basic_var_to_pivot_for_maximization =
let choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px bnd is_min =
let tmp = if is_min then R2.sub si.value bnd else R2.sub bnd si.value in
let ratio = R2.div_by_const (R.abs c_px) tmp in
begin match !acc with
| None -> acc := Some (ratio, s, si, p, c_px, bnd, is_min)
| Some (r_old,_,_,_,_,_,_) ->
if r_old ratio > 0 then
acc := Some (ratio, s, si, p, c_px, bnd, is_min)
if R2.is_zero ratio then raise Exit (* in the case, the pivot is found *)
let choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px bnd_opt is_min =
match bnd_opt with
| None ->
if !acc = Stuck then acc := Free (* !!! to check *)

| Some bnd ->
let tmp = if is_min then R2.sub si.value bnd else R2.sub bnd si.value in
let ratio = R2.div_by_const (R.abs c_px) tmp in
match !acc with
| Free | Stuck ->
acc := Progress (ratio, s, si, p, c_px, bnd, is_min)

| Progress (r_old,_,_,_,_,_,_) ->
if r_old ratio > 0 then
acc := Progress (ratio, s, si, p, c_px, bnd, is_min)
if R2.is_zero ratio then raise Exit (* in the case, the pivot is found*)
fun {basic; _} x use_x should_incr_x ->
let acc = ref None in
(* Initially, we assume that we are stuck, unless, use_x is empty *)
let acc = ref (if SX.is_empty use_x then Free else Stuck) in
(fun s ->
Expand All @@ -222,50 +237,59 @@ module Make(Core : CoreSig.SIG) : SIG with module Core = Core = struct
let sg = R.sign c_px in
assert (sg <> 0);
match should_incr_x, sg > 0,, si.maxi with
| true , true , _, Some mx ->
| true , true , _, mx_opt ->
(* by increasing x, s will increase and max(s) <> +infty *)
choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px mx false
choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px mx_opt false

| true , false, Some mn, _ ->
| true , false, mn_opt, _ ->
(* by increasing x, s will decrease and min(s) <> -infty *)
choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px mn true
choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px mn_opt true

| false, true , Some mn, _ ->
| false, true , mn_opt, _ ->
(* by decreasing x, s will decreease and min(s) <> -infty *)
choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px mn true
choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px mn_opt true

| false, false, _, Some mx ->
| false, false, _, mx_opt ->
(* by decreasning x, s will increase and max(s) <> +infty *)
choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px mx false
choose_best_pivot acc s si p c_px mx_opt false

| true, true, _, None
(*| true, true, _, None
| true, false, None, _
| false, true, None, _
| false, false, _, None ->
(* for the cases where max or max = infty, we keep acc unchanged.
if acc = None at the end, the problem is unbounded *)
with Exit -> !acc

let can_fix_valuation_without_pivot should_incr xi ratio =
let can_fix_valuation_without_pivot should_incr xi ratio_opt =
if should_incr then
match xi.maxi with
| None -> None
| Some bnd ->
match xi.maxi, ratio_opt with
| None, _ -> None
| Some bnd, Some ratio ->
let diff = R2.sub bnd xi.value in
if diff ratio < 0 then Some ({xi with value = bnd}, diff)
else None

| Some bnd, None ->
let diff = R2.sub bnd xi.value in
Some ({xi with value = bnd}, diff)

match with
| None -> None
| Some bnd ->
match, ratio_opt with
| None, _ -> None
| Some bnd, Some ratio ->
let diff = R2.sub xi.value bnd in
if diff ratio < 0 then Some ({xi with value = bnd}, diff)
else None

| Some bnd, None ->
let diff = R2.sub xi.value bnd in
Some ({xi with value = bnd}, diff)

let update_valuation_without_pivot
Expand All @@ -286,29 +310,55 @@ module Make(Core : CoreSig.SIG) : SIG with module Core = Core = struct
{env with basic; non_basic}

let rec maximize_rec env opt rnd =
if false then
if env.debug > 1 then
Format.eprintf "[maximize_rec] round %d // OPT = %a@." rnd P.print opt;
(Format.sprintf "[maximize_rec] round %d" rnd) env (Result.get None);
Core.check_invariants env (Result.get None);
match non_basic_to_maximize env opt with
| None ->
if false then Format.eprintf "max reached@.";
if env.debug > 1 then Format.eprintf "max reached@.";
rnd, env, Some (opt, true) (* max reached *)

| Some (_x, _c, _xi, _use_x, _should_incr) ->
if false then Format.eprintf "pivot non basic var %a ?@." Var.print _x;
if env.debug > 1 then
Format.eprintf "pivot non basic var %a ?@." Var.print _x;
match basic_var_to_pivot_for_maximization env _x _use_x _should_incr with
| None ->
if false then
| Free ->
if env.debug > 1 then
"non basic %a not constrained by basic vars: Set it to max@."
Var.print _x;
match can_fix_valuation_without_pivot _should_incr _xi None with
| Some (new_xi, diff) ->
if env.debug > 1 then
"No --> I can set value of %a to min/max WO pivot@."
Var.print _x;
let env, opt =
env _x _use_x new_xi diff _should_incr, opt
maximize_rec env opt (rnd + 1)
| None ->
if env.debug > 1 then
Format.eprintf "no pivot finally(no upper bnd), pb unbounded@.";
rnd, env, Some (opt, false) (* unbounded *)
| Stuck ->
if env.debug > 1 then
Format.eprintf "no pivot finally, pb unbounded@.";
rnd, env, Some (opt, false) (* unbounded *)
| Some (ratio, s, si, p, c_px, bnd, _is_min) ->
if false then

| Progress (ratio, s, si, p, c_px, bnd, _is_min) ->
if env.debug > 1 then
Format.eprintf "pivot with basic var %a ?@." Var.print s;
let env, opt =
match can_fix_valuation_without_pivot _should_incr _xi ratio with
can_fix_valuation_without_pivot _should_incr _xi (Some ratio) with
| Some (new_xi, diff) ->
if false then
if env.debug > 1 then
"No --> I can set value of %a to min/max WO pivot@."
Var.print _x;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,7 +464,7 @@ module Make(Core : CoreSig.SIG) : SIG with module Core = Core = struct
| UNK -> assert false
| UNSAT _ -> env, None
| SAT ->
if false then
if env.debug > 1 then
Format.eprintf "[maximize] pb SAT! try to maximize %a@." P.print opt0;
let {basic; non_basic; _} = env in
let unbnd = ref false in
Expand All @@ -432,13 +482,14 @@ module Make(Core : CoreSig.SIG) : SIG with module Core = Core = struct
if !unbnd then env, Some (opt, false) (* unbounded *)
if false then Format.eprintf "start maximization@.";
if env.debug > 1 then Format.eprintf "start maximization@.";
let rnd, env, is_max = maximize_rec env opt 1 in
Core.check_invariants env (Result.get is_max);
if false then
if env.debug > 1 then
Format.eprintf "[maximize] pb SAT! Max found ? %b for %a == %a@."
(is_max != None) P.print opt0 P.print opt;
if false then Format.eprintf "maximization done after %d steps@." rnd;
if env.debug > 1 then
Format.eprintf "maximization done after %d steps@." rnd;
env, is_max

Expand Down

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